View Full Version : scratch removal: with clear coat?

12-22-2008, 02:09 PM
I read alot about touch up scratch removal on this forum. very very good guides people put together. however, i dont see any of them mentioning putting on clearcoat. is this a unnecessary step? if you wanted to apply clearcoat, do you do it after u sand the touch up down or do u apply it right after the touch up, then sand it down?

12-22-2008, 04:05 PM
If you fill in the chip over the rest of the paint, then sand it down, you won`t have any room to put clear in. I personally never use clear.

If I wanted to put some clear in, i would first put a couple tin coats of paint in, not overlapping the surrounding paint. Then fill in the rest of the chip with clear, then sand, compound, polish, lsp.