View Full Version : Engine Bay Detailing with Exposed Intake Filter?

12-13-2008, 11:28 AM
This picture isn`t of my car, but its the same setup as mine. How would one best tackle sealing off this intake setup for an engine bay detail?




12-13-2008, 11:50 AM
I would just take the filter off and tape the pipe closed or put a plastic bag over the end and go around it with some good tape a couple times. I guess an easy quick way would be to put some foil around the filter, that is what i do with stuff like the alternator.

12-13-2008, 12:16 PM
I have a similar setup. I take off the filter, then tape a plastic bag over the intake hole. Make sure there is no water in the inlet after removing the bag.

Garry Dean
12-13-2008, 02:09 PM
Just tie a plastic bag over the filter and it will be fine.

12-13-2008, 02:32 PM
also... take some tin foil as it will comform/mold to whatever you apply it to...

12-14-2008, 08:58 AM
also... take some tin foil as it will comform/mold to whatever you apply it to...

Just bag it, blast it, then blow it off with compressed air.


12-14-2008, 10:54 AM
In the last year or two there`s a great new version of Saran Wrap that`s got a "press and seal" sticky side. Blanket the air-box while stretching it into place. For added protection use a bungee cord or large rubber band around the outer edges. Works flawlessly.

As for exposed filters without air-boxes as in the second picture by THUMP RRR, we take them off then using the same "press & stick" wrap we`ll seal off the exposed air duct connection.

Depending on the air intake set-up, we`ll remove the plastic duct-work from the air-filter to the intake (only if there`s no wiring attached) as it opens up the engine bay for a more thorough cleaning. Of course, sealing the intake as described above.

NOTE: I just ran down into the garage to find the exact brand that I like - I`ve been through a lot of them and the one that has not let me down is "GLAD - Press & Seal".

I use this product in door jams that are difficult to clean after a multi-step process that will spatter product where you can see it, but will be hard to clean (can anyone say 90`s Cadillac :p) I also use it on and in exterior ducts and vents for the same reason and it follows contours better than any tape, and has enough mass to press deep into the ducts and vents for added protection against product spatter. I`m sure you`ll invent your own uses too.

Hope this helps.

12-14-2008, 01:30 PM
Just bag it, blast it, then blow it off with compressed air.


on my engine i do not need to cover anything (i use to cover some parts but found it`s not really needed in my situation). i spray some APC, use some brushes and spray carefully with a jet stream and it works very well. i follow up with a leaf blower and wipe of any excess with a mf towel, and then spray CD-2 engine detailer...


Barry Theal
12-14-2008, 07:19 PM
pull the filter off and use a rubber glove to cover the opening!

12-14-2008, 10:50 PM
I also recomend using a plastic bag. The glove idea sounds like it would work as well. Ive also just put the stock airbox on just to avoid any problems.