View Full Version : So many werkstatt products...

12-08-2008, 01:00 AM
Hey guys im about to do a full detail on my white car and after doing some research most people recommended me werkstatt as sealant. Although theres about 6 different types of sealants on there. Should I use the acrylic prime by itself? Or regular werkstatt prime with acrylic jett trigger over it? Sort of confused since theres quite a bit of products on there.

12-08-2008, 02:10 AM
I`ve used Werkstatt products on my white protege5.

I ordered prime, Acrylic Jett (AJ), and Acrylic Jet Trigger (AJT).

My process was the standared wash/clay/polish/wash, then Prime>AJ>AJT

I was really pleased with the results., however, if I did it all over again (somehow lost my Prime in thegarage, and am out of AJT),

I`d try the Prime Strong, and then just top with AJT.

AJT was just tons easier to use than I found AJ to be. (i guess i didnt apply it thin enough! Have most of this stuff left, as I favored AJT)

I`m flirting with the idea of finding a dilution of the AJ so that it would be AJT-like.

Still really like the AJT., After drying, I just do a spritz/panel, spread around, wipe til clear with microfiber...looks great!

Anyhow, theres my 2 cents.


12-08-2008, 05:45 AM
Select one of the Primes (descriptions on the site) and one of the Acrylic Jetts. I personally like Prime Strong because it can do some decent cleaning as a hand polish in tight places a buffer can`t reach. The bottle of AJ will last longer and I think has a more pronounced look than AJT (1 layer AJ looks like 2 layers AJT--just my observation). AJT is very easy to use, but may not provide perfect coverage, since you`re just spraying and wiping off.

12-08-2008, 09:01 AM
Prime Strong and Acrylic Jett Trigger are the two I`d recommend to keep the process simple and effective.

12-08-2008, 09:10 AM
Prime Strong and Acrylic Jett Trigger are the two I`d recommend to keep the process simple and effective.

This is by far the best combo.

12-08-2008, 09:15 AM
You could also go Prime Acrylic, then do a Acrylic Jett Trigger every month. In-between some Acrylic Gloss and/or Quick Wash.

12-08-2008, 04:45 PM
Prime Strong and Acrylic Jett Trigger are the two I`d recommend to keep the process simple and effective.

I agree. This is a very, very nice combo. I have thought about buying some Prime Acrylic. I will some times pay back a favor something else for someone with a wash, clay and wax. With Prime Acrylic I will add a paint cleaning/protection combo. But for maximum affect, one of the Primes topped with one of the Jetts is your best bet.