View Full Version : Current Best BHB for Wheels?

12-04-2008, 04:43 PM
AFAIK there are only a few companies currently making BHBs and I know from experience that the quality can vary greatly, even within a single manufacturer`s production runs.

I need a new BHB for the S8`s wheels and I want to get the best, most gentle one currently available.

I was leaning towards the "World`s Greatest" (World`s Greatest Boar`s Hair Wheel Brush (http://www.detailersdomain.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=43)), but was wondering if it`s the same as the "Montana" (8 inch Montana Original BoarĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Hair Wheel Brush (http://www.autogeek.net/8inmoorbohaw.html)), and if not, how the two compare.

12-04-2008, 04:51 PM
I have the BHB from DD and it`s really damn soft. I only use if for maintenance washes as it`s not able to get really tough wheels very clean.

To me it looks like it`s the same thing.

Garry Dean
12-04-2008, 05:53 PM
Looks the same to me.

12-04-2008, 07:15 PM
I have the World`s Greatest from DD. My 1st so nothing to compare it to. The bristles are long and soft. Minimal shedding through 1st and 2nd use.

12-04-2008, 08:00 PM
I got mine from your favorite Griots. I shopped there before common sense came back to my wallet :laugh:

Boar`s Hair Wheel Brushes - Cleaning Tools - Wheels & Tires - Car Care - Griot`s Garage (http://www.griotsgarage.com/product/car+care/wheels+%26+tires/wheel+tire+cleaning+tools/short+handle+boar%27s+hair+wheel+brush.do)

However, I returned the BHB wash brush because it had a ton of those stiffer black hairs. But the short wheel brush was super soft.

Just another source to check out.

12-05-2008, 07:48 AM
I have the montana from Autogeek--we use it *a lot* and it has held up *very* well. They look to be the same, so I would go with whoever has the best service--in case it`s not quite up to par. :D

Eisen Hulk
12-05-2008, 08:21 AM
I have the World`s Greatest BHB I bought from Phil, after seeing the John`s (Eliot Ness) WGBHB. I`ve been using it now for several months w/o a single issue. I will definitely buy another one once this one has bitten the dust.

12-05-2008, 11:45 AM
Thanks for all the responses!

Yeah, they *look* the same to me too, and I suspect that they are, just wondered if anybody had ordered both for a direct comparison.

Denzil- Roger that regarding the too-gentle. For my two "nice" (scare-quotes intentional as it`s all relative ;) ) cars I want the softest I can get. Even though their wheels can get mighty dirty, they`re always well-LSPed so something that`d normally be too gentle is just right.

Spilchy- I`ve used a *LOT* of the Griot`s ones, and their long-handled version is my #1 undercarriage brush. But the last short-handled one I got from them isn`t quite as soft as I want for the S8 or the Jag...I *just* got it out the other day and noticed/decided that I want something softer for the wheels on those two cars.

OK, I guess I`ll just see who I`m ordering from anyhow and get it from that source. I *could* order both and do another of my BHB comparos...

12-05-2008, 05:06 PM
Accumulator, if you do decide to buy both of them for a comparison, please let us know how it works out! :)

12-05-2008, 11:20 PM
Don`t know if you already went ahead and ordered but I just thought I would toss in my experience with the BHB from AG. As this was my first boars hair anything I`ve owned I have no basis for comparison. I bought the 8 inch Montana Original BoarĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Hair Wheel Brush (http://www.autogeek.net/8inmoorbohaw.html) and first thing I did when I got it was tried the cd test. I barely applied any pressure, just lightly dragged it across (and yes it was wet) and to my surprise it scratched it fairly good, with one scratch that was bigger than the others. Upon further inspection of the brush I saw some hairs that are not even flagged and are fairly thick. So all in all I`m not too impressed.

Also I noticed is it looks nothing like any pics I`ve seen of BHB`s. Instead of the darker mixed hair color it is pretty much all the beige/tan color. Doubt that means a whole lot but I was a little confused when I first opened my package.

12-06-2008, 12:38 AM
Don`t know if you already went ahead and ordered but I just thought I would toss in my experience with the BHB from AG. As this was my first boars hair anything I`ve owned I have no basis for comparison. I bought the 8 inch Montana Original BoarĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Hair Wheel Brush (http://www.autogeek.net/8inmoorbohaw.html) and first thing I did when I got it was tried the cd test. I barely applied any pressure, just lightly dragged it across (and yes it was wet) and to my surprise it scratched it fairly good, with one scratch that was bigger than the others. Upon further inspection of the brush I saw some hairs that are not even flagged and are fairly thick. So all in all I`m not too impressed.

Also I noticed is it looks nothing like any pics I`ve seen of BHB`s. Instead of the darker mixed hair color it is pretty much all the beige/tan color. Doubt that means a whole lot but I was a little confused when I first opened my package.

That sounds like you got the wrong brush; you may have received the tampico bristle brush.

12-06-2008, 12:34 PM
TSIBrian- Hmm, interesting, thanks for posting that.

As I noted in my original post, I`ve seen some awfully significant variation among seemingly identical BHBs.

I`d accept a *little* greater propensity for marring with a BHB *for wheels* than I normally would (wheel clear is tougher than regular auto paint), but yours sounds sorta like the Griot`s one I don`t want to use (on those two cars).

For now I`ll just keep thinking..neither the S8 or the Jag is getting much use these days (sheesh, that`s one serious understatement where the Jag is concerned).

Denzil- Heh heh, oh...you can *bet* I`ll post something if I do that comparo ;)

12-06-2008, 01:47 PM
Why not just an old MF towel if you`re concerned about scratching? A bug mitt (mesh enclosed sponge) would work well too w/o scratching. Not the fastest options but def some of the softer ones.

12-06-2008, 02:12 PM
Why not just an old MF towel if you`re concerned about scratching? A bug mitt (mesh enclosed sponge) would work well too w/o scratching. Not the fastest options but def some of the softer ones.

MF towels don`t have long enough nap to be substitutes for long-bristled BHBs; they`re simply different. Also, MF doesn`t flush/rinse clean as well as BHBs but rather tends to retain certain types of dirt. And I find it easier to get the desired degree on contact pressure with a BHB as compared to any other wash medium. I`m 100% sold on BHBs for wheels, I just gotta find the best ones for use on these two applications.

Only time I use MFs on wheels is with ONR, for between-washes cleanups on beaters (worse beaters than I currently have in the stable).

If/when I`m not using BHBs I`ll just use my (specifically-for-wheel-duty) sheepskin mitts, which I use on the back sides of the spokes and the inner wheel barrels anyhow.

No bug-mitts for me on those wheels either, I only use such materials on windshields.