View Full Version : Help with G110 package :)

12-04-2008, 12:26 PM
I`m going to order my own Christmas gifts early; G110 here I come :buffing:

Can I get some recommendations on a basic G110 polishing package. A couple of sponsors have G110 packages, but at this point I don`t mind spending a little more to get some better reviewed products than saving a little on shipping, etc. I will be using the G110 for personal cars, nothing heavy duty.

For pads, how do Meguiar`s Soft Buff Pads (2.0), compare to the Lake County pads? I read a lot of nice things about the Lake County stuff, but not a lot of feedback here on the other ones. What about the size? Some packages are with 6.5in pads; wouldn`t smaller ones be more optimal for me?

What about specific manufacturers for polishes?

Meguiar`s 80 series vs Menerza vs any other products?

Thanks again for all the helpful people here. :clap: