View Full Version : Meguiars #16 paste wax

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12-01-2008, 06:14 AM
Eshine has a bogo on this product, and I know I`ve seen comments about it before, but the search function shows nothing found. Those of you who have used this product, what are your thoughts? Thanks in advance.

12-01-2008, 07:19 AM
The hype surpasses the product but it is a good wax with nice longevity for sure.

12-01-2008, 07:54 AM
I hope its good. I bought some as well.

I`m hoping for good durability. It won`t be as good as collinite 476s but hopefully close.

I read that it should have a better appearance than 476s and somewhat easier to use.

Eisen Hulk
12-01-2008, 08:09 AM
#16 is a VERY nice wax.

12-01-2008, 08:33 AM
Very good durability with crisp reflections.

Seems to look better on light colors.

My go to lsp for white or silver.

12-01-2008, 08:44 AM
It produces very flat reflections, almost sealant like. To me the look is not that of carnauba. Water beads very well, but I really think #26 is a MUCH better wax.

12-01-2008, 08:44 AM
I personally love using 16 on my metallic blue jeep. Gives the flake a nice pop and it definitely has some really good longevity. Be sure to apply it to cool surfaces and very thin or you may be cursing quite a bit trying to remove it.

12-01-2008, 09:02 AM
I still have 4 tins of this wax. It is a pure wax with no cleaners so it perform great as a topper for sealants. It doesn`t darken colors like many carnaubas do. It easily lasts 3+ months so it is very durable, right up there with 476 IMO. It needs to be applied very thinly or removal may be difficult. I get about 80 applications per tin so it is quite economical.

I always use #16 as a winter topper over a sealant which easily handles the winter`s worst 4-5 months of snow and salt.

I love to hand apply this product. Maybe it`s just because I`m old school but this wax smells like crayons and applies so easily that it feels like therapy for me. The wax has a highly reflective shine. As I mentioned earlier, if you`re looking for a warm carnauba glow this is not going to provide that look. It is more like a sealant in that it imparts a steely, high gloss shine. It also is one of the best waxes at producing tiny and very high water beads in the rain.

This product has been around unchanged for a very, very long time, until the CCAB and EPA decided that it`s VOC`s were too high. I believe I was around 15 YO when I first used #16. I`m now 65. I`ve always considered this one of Meguiar`s best carnauba products through the years.

12-01-2008, 09:26 AM
I haven`t been using my #16 so I broke it out again and applied it to my cf hood over Danase Paint Sealant. It doesn`t take away from the look in sunlight and beads water very well. A nuba with sealant tendencies.

12-01-2008, 11:23 AM
..I love to hand apply this product..

Whereas *I* love to apply it by machine :D

Either way, the way it`s "the paste wax that turns liquid" makes for a *LOT* of coverage. A can oughta last many, many years.

12-01-2008, 01:50 PM
Someone on here described #16 as looking almost as good as Souveran & lasting almost as long as Collinite.

I love it on reds & whites.

12-01-2008, 02:23 PM
I tried it.

I used it and Collinite 476s; I prefer collinite. Looks better, easier on, easier off, lasts longer.

12-01-2008, 03:05 PM
I tried it.

I used it and Collinite 476s; I prefer collinite. Looks better, easier on, easier off, lasts longer.

Huh, that`s interesting!

I used to switch to 476S on my wife`s A8 in the winter, but the #16 looked so much better (to both of us) that I quit doing that and now just stick with #16 year-round. Not like I don`t appreciate the 476S (use it on other stuff and like it), but I woulda thought #16 had an edge on looks.

Just goes to show that different people are, well, different.

Sure never thought anybody would find 476S easier-on than #16 though, that one *really* surprises me! I`d put #16 right up there with Souveran/liquids/etc. as one of the easiest LSPs to apply ever.

12-01-2008, 03:10 PM
great stuff make sure u use thin coats a pc with 4 inch pad helps

12-01-2008, 03:12 PM
Anyway thanks for the answers guys, I now have 2 tins on the way, only pay for one though. Gotta love BOGO`s, but hate this impulse to buy, buy, buy. I ahve a closet full of stuff like it. Oh well better than drugs, oh ya, the same as drugs to an Autopian.