View Full Version : Stoners Tarmonator?

09-26-2005, 09:22 PM
Just wondering if this stuff really works. I went up to Virginia Beach this weekend to see my girlfriend and while she was at work, I was FREE to go to all the auto parts stores since she never wants to go with me. Anyways, I found a Pep Boys (100 times better than Advanced Auto Parts) and when I walked in they had a SALE shelf and that is where I found the Stoners Tarmonator for $2.30 so I picked up 2 cans. I bought it because it was on sale AND I`m having trouble getting what I believe is Caramel off my grandmas car. I`m hoping this will help loosen it because everything I have tried so far hasn`t worked.

09-27-2005, 05:11 AM
I`ve used it with excellent results, no gripes here. Wish I could find it at that price!

09-27-2005, 06:25 PM
I`ve used it, and didn`t like it at all. It didn`t take off tar to my liking and left a horrible residue that was hard to remove. I tried calying over where I sprayed it on and it literally discinnerated the clay onto the paint. Its been a pain for me... but you may have different results... good luck

09-27-2005, 08:58 PM
i just picked up a can this evening. has anyone else tried this product. i have a car to clean on saturday and i was told that their is tar on the rear panel behind the tire. i would hate to use it on the tar and then have a problem with the paint .

09-28-2005, 09:51 AM
I`ve used it and had no problems at all....I use it for removing tar and bugs on cars....if you follow the directions on the can you spray on wait a few minutes then wash off.....I do this at the wash stages and it has removed all of what I have gone after.....With the expection of real baked on tar and for that I use laquer thinner in those small areas.

For the caramel I would let it soak in and rub the area and that should lift it....if not then try some Goo Gone or WD40 those will do the trick

09-28-2005, 07:46 PM
i used mine today and it worked pretty good. but iv`e used wd 40 and find that it also does a good job. do you think wd 40 would be much easier on the paint?

09-28-2005, 08:03 PM
I have used it and have been happy with the results.
But grease and tar will break down relatively easy. I don`t know how well it would work on caramel.


09-28-2005, 09:18 PM
It doesn`t work on the caramel, if it even is caramel. I tried WD40..didn`t work. I have been using a hair dryer and a plastic scraper to get the stuff off but I am running out of patience with it now.