View Full Version : 97 Malibu-Neglected

11-18-2008, 08:29 PM
So here I found myself doing a detail for a friend. This time, a mother in law`s 1997 Malibu. Not only has this car been completely neglected, it`s constantly parked under an acorn tree and it drops all sorts of nastiness on it. The interior wasn`t that bad really so it got a quickie. who wants to spend 1-2 hours on a 12 year old Malibu anyway. The customer paid for a `one step` and wasn`t so much concerned with swirls as much as just `make it `shiny white` again.

I kept it overnight and basically knocked the interior out before bed. No pics because c`mon, we`re talking about a Malibu here. Mats and carpet got a little scrub down using some spray foam and a brush. plastic/vinyl bits scrubbed with some woolite dillution and finished with 303 throughout. Windows with Stoners.

I was most concerned (as was the customer) with the heavily oxidised white paint. The washing alone took me a solid hour using a few MF mits, 2 bucket method suds`d with armor all heavy duty shampoo. This stuff is supposed to be more concentrated but I`m sure any soap would have worked the same. Wheels/wells/tires got a good scrub with Eagle One, Simple green and Meg`s long lasting tire gel.






After washing the beast, I rolled her into the garage to clay the surface THOROUGHLY. I don`t have any fancy shots of my clay bar showing all the grime...LOL but let me say I love the clay magic bar. I used the Mother`s clay and although it`s more pliable, the Clay Magic holds up better to the abuse.

After clay and taping up the seems/seals



Ok, to cut the story short, I basically gave the customer what I would consider a worthy effort for a one step. I`m sure I could have used something more agressive and still finished down nicely but I went with this quick combo punch to bring up the gloss within a reasonable time.

Using a white CCS pad on the PC with poli-seal..including all exterior glass. Added a single layer of Opti-seal and a coat of that on the wheels also. Hit the trim with 303, windows with Stoners, and headligh/taillight lenses with plastX, then buffed the paint down with OCW once the opti-seal set a little. Not too shabby forabout 5 hours total.







he liked the smell of the OCW i think



this is just a side hobby for me but dam if it aint a good stress reliever in times like these!!

Garry Dean
11-18-2008, 08:42 PM
The car really turned around!! Nice work!!

11-18-2008, 09:01 PM
Clay magic is better than mothers. It lasts longer, but I have yet to determine if it is more likely to cause marring when dry. I was a fan of sonus green till I used something else...

Anywho, excellent work!

Cleaning Fool
11-18-2008, 09:34 PM
Not to shabby at all..The first couple pics of the fender and hood are fabulous!

11-18-2008, 10:13 PM
good work! any full shots?

11-19-2008, 06:55 AM
Great job, befores looked just aweful!

11-19-2008, 07:00 AM
Great Job http://1person1million.com/img/149/r08c1006bidc/biggrin.gif

11-19-2008, 07:34 AM
thanks everyone. The only full shots I did were when I pulled the car out and the sun and my poor photography really just resulted in unflattering shots that look, well...like any other picture of a car. I guess also because the car is white with no metallic or pearl effect.

11-19-2008, 09:12 AM
Great job on that white. I love using Poli-Seal but now I wish I would have ordered some Opti-Seal as well it does an amazing job.