View Full Version : Carnauba: From the Pot to the Pad

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11-18-2008, 04:53 PM
So for those of who who use Carnauba waxes that come in the little pot, P21s, Swisvaxx, Collinite, Zymol etc, etc... how do you get it to the pad you`re using to apply it?

With the smaller pots I`ve heard that people hold the pot upside down and shake it till the wax comes and then rub it on the pad. I`ve also heard of people using a putty knife to take the wax out and apply it to the pad. What are you preferred methods for doing this?

11-18-2008, 05:01 PM
My preferred method is to apply my paste waxes by hand.

I`ve been curious about applying them by DA, but haven`t tried it yet.

11-18-2008, 05:13 PM
Just apply it via hand or foam applicator. I hate applying waxes by DA.

11-18-2008, 05:21 PM
I actually do apply them by hand. Just wondering how you guys get it to the applicator. I prefer the turn it upside down method.

11-18-2008, 05:25 PM
I use a spoon. Take the backside (curved outward) and scrape the wax in the container. Spread it with the backside or you can use the frontside to push the wax down into pad. Just try it. You`ll catch on quickly.

11-18-2008, 05:42 PM
I do the vast majority of my wax applications via machine, usually the Cyclo.

The 4" pads for the Cyclo fit into many cans, and pads can be scrunched up to fit anyhow. But if you do something like that, the pad will have *MUCH* more wax than necessary on it, and that excess should be scraped off before applying to the vehicle.

I usually get the wax out of the container and onto the pads by using a plastic razor blade (handy things to have anyhow). To initially prime the pad I`ll then fold the pad in half and rub it together to distribute the wax evenly, but after that I don`t worry *too* much about a perfectly even distribution, I just scoop out a tiny bit with the blade and wipe it across the pad. And I still try to then scrape as much wax back off the pad as possible (using the razor blade), which usually distributes it pretty evenly.

I use just enough wax to keep the pad moving smoothly across the panels.

Note that if there`s a significant amount of wax left in the pad at the end of the job, then you used way too much. Seems like people apply too much wax, putting it on the pad too often, almost all the time; it really doesn`t take much at all. The last time I used up a can of #16 I had a tiny bit of wax left in the outer rim at the bottom of the can; this was enough to give the A8 a complete waxing (via Cyclo), and that`s not a small vehicle.

11-19-2008, 02:29 PM
I used to apply collinite just like accumulator described minus the razor blade part, somehow I don`t see the process that much faster than applying it by hand. So now my preffered method is by hand.

tom p.
11-19-2008, 02:40 PM
Use a butter knife to schmear the desired amount onto your pad...whether by hand or by machine. Machine is much easier, uniform and can lay down thinner coats...at least for me :)

Eliot Ness
11-19-2008, 03:41 PM
It depends. if I can get my 4" pads into a tub of wax I`ll do it that way. If not and the wax will easily fall out when turned upside down, like Souveran, I do that and rub the wax onto the pad. If those methods don`t work then I like to use a plastic ~1" putty knife and apply wax like Accumulator does using his plastic razor blades.

I have also resorted to making my own deodorant wax sticks:


That method seems to have caught on commercially and there are now at least two vendors that actually market their wax in similar containers:

Dodo Juice Supernatural Wax Machine Stick, natural carnauba car wax, Dodo pure wax, dodojuice waxes, carnauba wax in wooden jar, super natural wax (http://www.autogeek.net/car-wax-machine-stick.html)

11-20-2008, 11:06 AM
Eliot Ness- I gotta try that sometime, the Collinite would be a lot more user-friendly that way.

FWIW, the paste that *really* works great by machine is Meg`s #16, probably because of the way it sorta turns liquid when worked vigorously. When I do the pseudo-spitshine (little spritz of QD on the panel before applying) and work it for a little while so I get a really thin application, I *do* actually get a noticeable difference with the machine application- more spherical beading is the most obvious thing.

I don`t see a big difference like that with the Collinite, but then Collinite`s beading doesn`t leave much room for improvement anyhow. Still prefer doing it by machine though, it`s just a different movement that I like better- sweeping the Cyclo across a panel in broad motions is more pleasant for me than rubbing a lot of little circles/ellipses.

11-20-2008, 03:13 PM
After reading this thread and just getting an updated uspc catalog, I just got th thought that for Accumulator he should make his stick with the lip balm applicators. It would be perfect for him cause he is always talking about how little wax (and polish) really needs to be used. So instead of the big deodorant wax sticks, he would make little lip balm sticks...

hmm.... the sad part is I am probably the only one amused by that through and everyone else is reading this and going huh?


11-20-2008, 06:32 PM
4" pads on PC for me.

tom p.
11-20-2008, 08:23 PM
.. but then Collinite`s beading doesn`t leave much room for improvement anyhow.


And there you have it folks. The truth has been shared :D

11-21-2008, 11:56 AM
After reading this thread and just getting an updated uspc catalog, I just got th thought that for Accumulator he should make his stick with the lip balm applicators. ..I am probably the only one amused by that ..

Well, *I* found it amusing :chuckle: And yeah, a little tube that size *would* last me a good long time :D

11-21-2008, 12:46 PM
Well, *I* found it amusing :chuckle: And yeah, a little tube that size *would* last me a good long time :D

Well I am glad you found it amusing :)

I guess to add something useful to the thread, I have a dedicated plastic putty knife to apply wax to my pad (I bought it specifically for this purpose and its used for nothing else. I had asked a simular question when I first joined and have followed Accumulators recomendations. So I spread the wax on the pad and then scrap off any excess. I still probably use a lot more then I need too.
