View Full Version : What am I doing wrong?

11-17-2008, 01:23 PM
I feel like my compound never rubs completely off. I just got done trying it on my roof. Here`s the steps I did

- Wash with Dawn

- Dry with waffle weave

- System One polish on wool

- System One polish on foam

- Wipe off excess with IPA

- Take picture only to find out there is still hazing and compound left over

I just don`t get what I`m doing wrong. I`m working in the compound/polish until it`s clear.


That`s directly after an IPA wipe down on that half.

One more question so I don`t have to make another post, what`s the easiest, cheapest, safest way for water spot removal? I`ve tried numerous car wash products with no luck. My trunk is hammered with them and nothing is taking it off

11-17-2008, 01:26 PM
More info needed, what machine, what rpm, what foam pad, more detail in your process? Try claying those water spots, vinager or acetone too might work, if not you`ll have to compound.

11-17-2008, 01:29 PM
More info needed, what machine, what rpm, what foam pad, more detail in your process?

It`s an Edge double sided pad. Wool on one side and foam on the other side (it`s included in the system one kit)

Makita 9227c. I typically run lower RPMs since I`m still new to the rotary. I`m assuming it was on the #2 setting, 2.5 at the most.

11-17-2008, 01:33 PM
Can you feel the marring with your finger nail at all? Can you post a link to your kit?

11-17-2008, 01:42 PM
At first look it appears that maybe it`s not a finishing problem but that you didn`t got the swirls out. Maybe you are not as aggressive as you need. I prefer to use Menzerna IP or Optimum polish for ease of use, and then use a finishing polish.

11-18-2008, 12:02 AM
Are those smears or are they from marring? If they are smears, try doing another IPA wipedown on a clean microfiber. If the polish is doing it`s job and you can`t seem to get all of the smears off, rewash it when you`re done. This will also help remove all smears and all polishing residue/dust. If those happen to be swirls not coming out from polishing, then refer to some of the above posts.

11-18-2008, 12:48 AM
would you be able to get a day light shot as well by any chance. That might help some put things in perspective. I am definitely interested to see what the outcome is for this and definitely think you did the right thing posting up before going further!