View Full Version : Help With Clear Cracking

11-15-2008, 04:37 PM
A year ago when i bought my truck the paint was a mess, I wetsanded my whole hood, and buffed it out, it looked great, about 5-6months later i started to notice these chips and cracks in the clear, i can barely feel them with my fingernail.

of course after a good wax they arent too noticable but now 3weeks later they are showing up.

what do you guys think?

have you seen it before



Once i have time i plan to use some 105,109 then maybe a glaze and collinite 845

11-15-2008, 04:48 PM
Looks like clear failure; further compounding will usually just make that worse. You can sand and re-clear, but the most common solution is a re-spray.

11-15-2008, 04:50 PM
Thats what i was afraid of, I had to compound it on two different occasions because i didnt get it the first time, so is that what could have caused it?

11-15-2008, 05:02 PM
We call that "Crow`s Feet." Will need a repaint. :sadpace:

Good Luck.

11-15-2008, 05:08 PM
Thats what i was afraid of, I had to compound it on two different occasions because i didnt get it the first time, so is that what could have caused it?

Every time you compound you remove paint. It`s to the point now where you`ve removed enough clear that it`s failing. It`s tough when you don`t know the history of the paint and don`t have a thickness gauge. You didn`t get it the first time because you still had enough clear to keep it from cracking.

11-15-2008, 05:19 PM
The first time i didnt get all the swirls and sanding marks out so i did it again, which was too much. well that sucks, time for a cowl hood then

thanks for the help!