View Full Version : First Time Onr User..

11-14-2008, 09:47 AM
Ive been hearing great things about Optimum No Rinse and had to give it a try myself. First thing I will say is WOW, I LOVE IT! I used three capfuls to about a half bucket of water, then fill a second bucket with plain water to rinse, I used a "grout sponge" I got for free from Autogeek which came in handy, and then I used a DD Waffle Weave Towel and a Cobra Deluxe Jr for the drying process. This was my first time using the product and it was a breeze, Im sure it will come even easier to me as I begin to use it more!

Thanks to Scottwax for all the informational videos and posts on how to use this stuff!


2 Buckets

1 Grit Guard

1 Grout Sponge

1 WW Drying Towel

1 COBRA Deluxe Jr

Combined 5 gallons of water


Fill each bucket about half way.

Mix 2-3 capfuls of ONR into ONE bucket.

Take Grout Sponge, Soak into ONR bucket.

Wash one panel going over it a couple times to ensure it is clean.

Rinse Grout Sponge in Rinse Bucket.

Dry panel lightly using WW Drying Towel, leaving some moisture behind.

Follow this with a few wipes using a quality MF Towel until dry.

Repeat process on entire car.

I took a few after pictures, the car was relatively clean but hadnt been washed in a couple weeks. Unfortunately I did not get any before pictures, but lets just say it wasnt wacko clean. ;) So heres some pics after my first ONR wash, the last protection was put on about a month or so ago, two coats of Lusso.


Rinse Bucket on Left, ONR Bucket on Right, this stuff works!


This is AFTER the wash, notice no contaminants whatsoever!


Notice ALL the dirt is in the rinse bucket, not on the car or solution bucket! ;)


Now the car..










11-14-2008, 11:18 AM
Really smart !

11-14-2008, 11:46 AM
Your car looks awesome, Nice work!

11-14-2008, 11:52 AM
good job.

I`ve been using it for a few months now and i love it too. haven`t tried with GS yet but plan to next time.

Only thing I do as a mere caution is the first swipe I do on each panel id done really gently and carefully, then I flip the wash media to the clean side and do a second wash of that same panel, this time with a little more pressure. I don`t dunk it back in after I flip it. basically just trying to lift/grab the dirt as carefully as i can then flip to the clean side.

I love the stuff.

11-14-2008, 11:53 AM
Thanks! I do my best to keep it clean! Black is a pain, but its so nice when its freshly detailed!!

11-14-2008, 11:47 PM
Glad to hear it worked out for you. Great to use when compounding cars too. Makes dust clean-up a snap.

Once you really get the technique down, you can probably have the body of your car washed and dried in under 10 minutes.

11-15-2008, 03:25 AM
Glad to hear it worked out for you. Great to use when compounding cars too. Makes dust clean-up a snap.

Once you really get the technique down, you can probably have the body of your car washed and dried in under 10 minutes.

Thanks for posting! This is definitely one of the most fun products I have, you cant beat washing your car safely in that time span even in full sun! ;)