View Full Version : Waxes and different colors - - - WHY

11-07-2008, 01:25 PM
I am just a little curious,,,,,,, And looking for an answer,,,,,,, If one even exists.

So one day I was reading the forums, Like I have for years. And everyone is recommending

this wax for that color,and that sealant looks great on a different color or this brand makes

metallic flake really pop or stand out, And then thought popped into my head,That all newer

cars have a clearcoat on them. Therefore, If we are all polishing and waxing a clear top finish,

Why is it that each and every different product can make A red, black,blue, white or yellow color

under the clear top coat,Look so different, When in reality, We don`t even come in contact with a

colored paint, We are only contacting the clear top paint.So if a certain wax and polish can make

one color look great, Shouldn`t it make all colors under a clear top coat look just as great ????


11-07-2008, 02:19 PM
IMO, it seems that most of the color specific LSP suggestions are from marketing. A wax/sealant remains relatively constant while the paint variables change, color/composition/clarity/quality/age.

Ex: PS/SSII/3M/Zymol/Dodo Juice/PB all make express claims about LSP v. paint color

Wax doesn`t know what color the car is. :)

11-07-2008, 02:41 PM
I tend to agree. However, there are still some vehicles (like the Mitsu. EVO) that still use single stage paint for weight savings. So in that case, a color specific wax/sealant may be in order. Also, some vehicles have a tinted clear coat (an oxymoron) that may be more conducive to a specific sealant. However, it really comes down to personal preference. (some like the crisp shine of a sealant whereas others like the warm glow of a carnuba based wax)

11-07-2008, 03:51 PM
From my experience differant waxes and/or sealants do look outstanding on some colors and not that great on others.

11-07-2008, 05:52 PM
From my experience differant waxes and/or sealants do look outstanding on some colors and not that great on others.

Yeah, I agree, with qualifications: it`s not always a big deal, and IMO the differences are *usually* pretty negligible, but *some* paint/LSP combos are really good/not.