View Full Version : Info about detailing

10-23-2008, 11:28 PM
My name is Tyler Chapman. I am a junior in high school from NC. We are required to do senior projects and to write a research paper. Mine just so happened to be about car detailing because I enjoy doing it. I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me so that I can include them in the interview portion of my project.I will also need your name. If so, they will follow.

1. In your opinion, do you think hand washing or using an automatic carwash is better and why?

2. What are the best supplies/materials to use when washing a car?

3. Does handwashing ever leave swirlmarks or light surface scratches?

4. What are the effects of going through an automatic carwash?

5. Do you think handwashing is time-consuming or not?

6. Which is more convenient: handwashing or Automatic Carwash?

7. Does the chemical agents from an automatic carwash cause more damage to your car`s surface?

8. is it better to wash the car in the shade or when the sun is shining?

9.What effects does the sun have on your car`s exterior?

10. Is it cheaper to handwash or go through an automatic carwash?

10-24-2008, 02:45 AM
I`ll play along here, in the spirit of academic discourse. My name is Joel H.

1. Hand washing is better. Proper hand washing is much more thorough and gentle to the car`s paint.

2. Without getting too detailed here, it is important to have microfiber or cotton cloths that will not leave scratches on the car`s finish, various detergents for cleaning paint, wheels, wheel wells, engine, seats, carpet, etc. Glass cleaners and polishes are used on windows and mirrors. Liquid dressings are applied to tires, plastic trim, vinyl tops, and wheel wells. Detailing clay is for removing contaminants from paint such as rail dust, dried tree sap, tar, and dried bugs. Abrasive polishes are used to remove scratches and defects from paint and plastic lenses. Glazes are used to fill slight imperfections and add shine. Sealants and waxes are used to add shine and protect paint from environmental hazards.

3. Yes

4. The car gets fairly clean on the outside but the brushes tend to leave faint scratches in the paint.

5. I think handwashing is time consuming.

6. Automatic carwash. Duh!

7. No, not in my opinion.

8. In the shade.

9. Radiation from the sun tends to fade and/or discolor paint, plastics, leather, and rubber on a vehicle.

10. It depends on how much one spends on either automatic carwashes or handwashing supplies, but generally it is less expensive to handwash.