View Full Version : Leatherique = "Shiny"?

10-21-2008, 07:37 PM
I just ordered the Leatherique 16oz kit and was doing some research on the product. From what ive read/seen, it makes the leather shiny. The leather seats in my BMW feel like beef jerky so I wanted to apply the product to soften up the seats. Has anyone experienced the shiny aftershock? I prefer the matte finish.

10-22-2008, 12:29 AM
Anything that leaves matt leather shiny means it is leaving a residue on the surface which can cause problems. If your leather is very dry water will rehydrate it as it is this that has dried out, try misting with water on a regular basis and you will feel the difference.

10-22-2008, 04:27 AM
I just ordered the Leatherique 16oz kit and was doing some research on the product. From what ive read/seen, it makes the leather shiny. The leather seats in my BMW feel like beef jerky so I wanted to apply the product to soften up the seats. Has anyone experienced the shiny aftershock? I prefer the matte finish.

I just tried it for the first time about two weeks ago. If there`s still residue on the surface you need to apply the cleaner again. The leather surface should feel smooth, clean and dry.

I didn`t have any surfaces go from matte to shiny but that doesn`t mean it couldn`t happen. The Leatherique oil defintely cleans the leather. If glossy leather looks matte because of dirt, then I`d expect the the finish to go from matte to glossy after cleaning.

I had the opposite experience - my steering wheel was shiny from rubbing and dirt. The Leatherique made it a little duller and more natural looking. I also noticed the tight fitting leather on the steering wheel would feel tacky if I squeezed it or handled it repeatedly in the same spot. My theory is the oil retained in the leather came to the surface a little bit due to the heat in my skin and because the leather is fitted so tight. I didn`t see any of this on the seats.

I didn`t get a lot of softening but I only did one application. The instructions suggest a couple of applications are needed for cardboard leather.

Quality Leather
11-05-2008, 08:14 PM
No, you have not cleaned the steering wheel enough. You can try cleaning it some more to get more of the crap out of the leather. The finish is probably also damaged.

11-06-2008, 09:35 PM
Thanks for the replies. I havent had the chance to try the product yet. It hasnt been hot enough. I was hoping to get the leather as soft and supple as the areas that never see sunlight.

11-07-2008, 08:16 AM
in my experiance it leaves it just the same as the factory intended , so if it came new with matt leather thats how it will look when done