View Full Version : 10" Orbital Buffer Question

10-15-2008, 08:02 AM
Well today is my birthday, and my father wanted to give me my present before he left for work. I opened the box and inside was a 10" orbital buffer with 3 `pads`... "applicator, polish, and terry." It isn`t the Porter Cable 7424 that I wanted, but I couldn`t say it wasn`t the right product because I knew it was a thoughtful gift. He`s the last person I`d call cheap, he just didn`t know what to buy I guess and got whatever buffer they had in Home Depot or Loews.

ANYWAY... I`ve never owned any type of buffer before. Is this thing going to be an improvement over polishing/waxing by hand? How much worse is it than the Porter Cable and Makita products? Also, how would I use those 3 `pads` that came with it?

10-15-2008, 08:44 AM
Not a whole lot of good for correcting, but it can be used for spreading wax on and taking it off.

10-15-2008, 10:05 AM
Not a whole lot of good for correcting, but it can be used for spreading wax on and taking it off.

+1 i have one and its great for spreading and taking off wax its not meant for paint correction like a pc/flex/rotary etc, but i love it when i just want to quickly rewax a car after a wash its much faster than the porter cable and less hassle since you just thow on a bonnet that you can buy at pretty much any store (wally world, sears, HD, lowes) and go instead of having to order LC pads.

happy birthday!

10-15-2008, 11:16 AM
If you can find out where it was purchased perhaps you could exchange it for a 6" buffer which will be much simpler to work with. I know Lowe`s stocks a nice one by Makita and Sears has a more powerful 6" in the Craftsman line.

Most will say that you can`t get any swirl correction using one of these buffers, but I`ve seen some amazing results with pictures using Meguire`s M105 and a wool or MF bonnet. Do some searches on this forum (I believe qwertydude uses one with great results) and the Megs on line forum. Meguiar`s Online (http://www.meguiarsonline.com/)

10-15-2008, 02:00 PM
The 10" polisher is fine for appyling waxes/sealants/glazes. It can also be used for minor correction. I have one as well as a 4"WEN rechargable. They are great for quick appications of wax (the WEN even accepts the same pads as my Cyclo so it can do some correction in tight spots)

10-15-2008, 03:42 PM
+1 on the wax application. My friend has a 42` boat, and the 10" buffer is all he will use to wax it.