View Full Version : Need Help Please

10-10-2008, 07:23 PM
Greetings All,

I have lurked for several weeks, and have learned quite a bit so far. However, I do have a problem.

I bought a 2006 E class Mercedes a few weeks ago. It was a lease car, and evidently not treated well. I`ve been busy lately, and all I had time to do is give it a rub-down with a clay bar (the finish was VERY rough) and nuke it with Turtle Wax "Ice" paste just to get something on the paint. I`ve had time the last few days to address the "water spots" on the hood and roof. They are water spot sized, but more "crystal-like" in form. The edges are jagged and white. Anyway, I`ve clay-barred, Meguiar`s Deep Crystal (by hand), and Griot`s #3 and #2 (lightly) with a PC buffer. It`s made no difference on the area I`ve worked on.

I`m a long time lightweight detailer, and only on my own cars. Should I seek professional assistance, or just keep grinding with the #3? Is the Mercedes clear coat that hard, or is something else going on that I`m missing?

Thanks for any help. Wish I had found Autopia sooner! Seem to be nice folks here.


P.S., The paint name is "Flint Gray", or something close to that.

10-10-2008, 07:33 PM
A crystal-like formation sounds like paint failure (which requires a repaint). Do you have a picture? Can`t really do much other than speculate without one.

10-10-2008, 07:34 PM
what you have is hard water spots.. if your cant acid wash it try to find the heaviest compound , with the most cutting power you can find and use the buffer.. be carefull not to burn the paint... on top of that your gonna have swirls so get yourself some swirl remover and a finishing pad and buff it good at a low speed.. then put some of ur wax on it.. if that dont work let me know..

10-10-2008, 07:47 PM
menzerna compound will fix all. Work it with your PC on 6 for at least 5 min.

I would get out the yellow pad. Then finish it with super finish and you should be set.

Your really going to have to work it cause works better with a FLEX.

10-10-2008, 08:14 PM
Well, the spots are around 1/4" across, and the paint inside the jagged ring seems normal. It just seems like a hella water/industrial waste spot to me. I can`t feel anything. It`s smooth. I`ll see about posting a picture. I`m afraid I`m just not buffing it enough, or with the right products. I`ve just never had to deal with this level of damage before, and I`m out of my league dealing with this. With some guidance I may can find my way, but otherwise I`m leaving it up to the pros. I felt like the #3 or #2 would take care of it, but when nothing happened I got concerned.



10-10-2008, 09:40 PM
Where are you in Central FL? I`m in Tampa.

Cleaning Fool
10-10-2008, 09:50 PM
Could be acid rain

10-11-2008, 04:19 AM
I left out an important fact in my first post: I`m new to using a buffer. Well, I had one of those awful 10" Sears ones about 15 years ago, and it was so bad it put me off using a machine. Anyway, so Autopia made we want to try a buffer again. I`ve used Griot`s products for years, and believe them to be decent, so it was just easy to get a complete orbital kit from them.

I`ve spent some more time on the hood, and here`s what I`ve learned:

1. I cannot feel these spots, so I think they are surface only.

2. After one or two passes with the Griot`s #2 there is no difference in the spots, I can still see fine scratches (that are existing) in the area I worked on, but it does feel smoother than non-worked-on areas.

3. So I think this is working, except it will take me until Christmas to get anywhere.

I`m just scared of hurting the paint, but after grinding away and I still see minor scratches, evidently I`m not going to hurt anything yet.

Give me a product recommendation, hopefully one that I could get from an auto parts store. Do I dare throw on some 3M rubbing compound or something? I only have a narrow window to work on the car this weekend, and next weekend is out, so if I can`t get something today I`ll have to just order something good and grit my teeth waiting.

Thanks for helping,