View Full Version : Flex 3401 or Cyclo Model 5

10-09-2008, 07:21 PM
Finally narrowed it down to these two. Any opinions on either. Thanks PM

10-09-2008, 07:47 PM

10-10-2008, 05:28 AM
I just went through the same decision. I posted, PM`d and talked to everyone that I could find and in the end - I bought a Flex. I finally get to use it tomorrow, first time I`ve been excited about a detail in months!

10-10-2008, 05:58 AM
I don`t think you could go wrong with either. Each one has benefits and draw backs over the other. I`ve heard some complaints on reliability of the flex which gives a point to the cyclo because they are literally indestructible. Also, the limitations on smaller pads on the flex. But then the cyclo isn`t as easy to maneuver in tighter areas and is heavier which is an issue especially on vertical panels.

IMHO... if you are running higher production, I would have to go with the Cyclo based on the reliability records.

10-10-2008, 07:45 AM
I have been using my Cyclo for 5 years. I agree it has pro`s and con`s. However, it has held up to abuse...dropping it by accident, putting it down hard etc...It is also an attention grabber when in public places. The same ole response from perspective customers "What the h-ll is that thing". It is a heavy machine as well.

I will say with the addition of edge pads and M105...it does great correction...not as fast as a rotary of course, but it does the job. It is my go-to tool before my pc, by far.

10-10-2008, 10:02 AM
Much as I love my Cyclos (been using my older one for over 20 years), if choosing between the 3401 and the Cyclo I`d probably lean towards the 3401.

But I will say that I simply enjoy using the Cyclos more than most any tool of any kind I can think of, and they really are indestructible.

10-16-2008, 09:11 AM
Finally narrowed it down to these two. Any opinions on either. Thanks PM

Depends on how old you are.:D

I can`t speak for the Flex.

I will tell you that my Dad bought a Cyclo model 5 back in

`70 or `71.

I`m still using it today. All I`ve had to do in terms of maint.

is replace the power cord.

shoot, I`m still using the pre velcro`em on pads.

10-16-2008, 10:49 AM
spookertunes- Welcome to Autopia!

Hey, that`s really cool that you`re still using your dad`s old Cyclo. Heh heh, finally somebody here with one that`s older than mine :D

I still have some of the rubber-boot style pads too, what a wrestle those can be! Funny how we used to get by with just the one (green) type of pads, huh?

Mine have both been trouble-free too, but some people have had issues with the cords, and for a while there I kept hearing about people getting (fortunately mild) electrical shocks from them. Sounded like a small batch had issues, not something people really need to worry about IMO.

10-16-2008, 03:34 PM
Either machines are well made. I tend to favor the Cyclo due to experience with them, but to be honest I have not tried the Flex. I have been on the Flex`s website and noticed that they are constructed and engineered in Germany (no slouch in the engineering/durability department). The Cyclo is something that I could pass down to my kids and is made in the US. Both are very safe alternatives to rotaries and both can perform about 95% of corrections.

10-16-2008, 04:21 PM
I have both machines and after using the cyclo VES for some time now I must say it takes the cake for me! Its dead reliable and can do really great correction work with the right pad and product. I couldnt be happier with it!