View Full Version : Scratch/Chip Repair Question

10-06-2008, 04:33 PM
I run a mobile detailing service and am interested in increasing my revenue by adding paint chip/scratch repair to my retinue of services.

I read the following article Repairing Paint Chips & Scratches - Part 2 (http://articles.autopia.org/articles/27-repairing-paint-chips-scratches-2.html) and will soon be using its prescribed method on my own vehicle, as practice.

The article states that you need to wait 2-3 hours before the primer is dry enough for the color coat. Then I should wait a similar amount of time for multiple layers of color coat to dry ... then 24-48 hours for the final color coat to dry before wetsand/polishing the paint.

Since i`m mobile, i don`t think this time consuming method would really work out for me when I drive an hour away from home to detail someones vehicle.

Is there a way to speed up the process? The article mentions a blow dryer ... what if I gently (from a relatively long distance) blow dried everything I needed to wait on to speed up the process?

In summary: I`m just asking if there is a faster way to repair these paint chips/ scratches. Thanks for your replies in advance =)