View Full Version : Detailing a buddy`s Yukon

10-06-2008, 09:00 AM
A buddy of mine has asked me to detail his dark green Yukon. The thing is in rough shape but I have a pretty good plan of attack but what do you guys use to clean the chrome trim on it? Same with the bumpers and wheels. Honestly, I`ve only detailed my all black Maxima (with great success) but I don`t have such trim on mine and don`t have the appropriate products to accommodate his unless soap and water is all I need. So...what products do you think I need if any? As a side note, I was hoping to get them at a local AP store as I`m wanting to detail his rig hopefully tomorrow or the next.

Thanks for your help.

Setec Astronomy
10-06-2008, 09:03 AM
Is the chrome pitted or rusted? You should be able to shine it up with the same polish you`re using on the paint, but if it`s swirled/scratched, you`re not going to be able to do much about it no matter what you use.

10-06-2008, 09:20 AM
Is the chrome pitted or rusted? You should be able to shine it up with the same polish you`re using on the paint, but if it`s swirled/scratched, you`re not going to be able to do much about it no matter what you use.

Doesn`t appear to be. I`ll have to take a closer look to be sure though. Might even run over to his house to take some pics today so you can have a better look. If anything I just wanna shine it up best I can.

In his detail I plan on using Menzerna`s Intensive Polish, followed by their Final Polish and am thinking of either using SRP or a glaze to be followed by either Natty`s blue or Kearkote`s Carnauba Moose wax.

So you think I don`t need a specialty chrome polish and can just rock some Final on it? I dunno why but the plastic chrome trim has me a bit worried using a polish on it. Having never detailed such a trim before.

Setec Astronomy
10-06-2008, 09:25 AM
Sometimes that chrome is some sort of mylar laminate, you might just want to do it by hand (the usual cautions about getting polish/wax in the cracks/crevices would apply). The bumpers and wheels would be a different story if they are really plated metal.

If it`s just kind of hazy, the IP/FP should clean it up, you might want to try a paint cleaner that`s got some solvent content, but if you`re going to the store for that you might as well get some chrome polish. You should probably wait for someone to chime in who has specific experience with this vehicle, as I don`t.

10-06-2008, 09:51 AM
Sometimes that chrome is some sort of mylar laminate, you might just want to do it by hand (the usual cautions about getting polish/wax in the cracks/crevices would apply). The bumpers and wheels would be a different story if they are really plated metal.

If it`s just kind of hazy, the IP/FP should clean it up, you might want to try a paint cleaner that`s got some solvent content, but if you`re going to the store for that you might as well get some chrome polish. You should probably wait for someone to chime in who has specific experience with this vehicle, as I don`t.

Thanks for your insights Setec. Perhaps I`ll go hunting for some chrome polish today. Any recoms on that or is a chrome polish a chrome polish?