View Full Version : 93 Silver MX6

10-02-2008, 10:07 AM
Hey guys this is my first post here. I have a 1993 silver mx6. I have been and will be doing everything by hand. I really don`t have the money to spend on a pc. In the past I have been using mothers clay and the meg. deep crystal system. I am looking to upgrade a little. I drive the car every day and park outside in commuter lots at school and at home :bawling: . I have tried to research as much as possible. I am looking for a process I can do by hand and have durability. I work and go to school so I cant detail the car all the time. Right now I was looking at the perfect shine kit. Is this ok to do by hand? Here are some pictures of the car now. I am not looking to do much correction just keep my paint in good shape to last into the future. I am happy with the shine just not the durability of the 3 step system.

Pics are not great just trying to give an idea of the color and condition




10-03-2008, 04:33 PM
I thought I`d chime in here since there have been many views but no responses.

...and I am a former 1G Probe owner, too (i see the 2G in the reflection)! :)

Anyways, I definitely know what its like to be in school and trying to maintain your vehicle`s looks as I spent my college years in Colorado.

My recommendation for a durable shine is Collinite 845IW. You might still be able to pick some up at your local Harbor Freight...a bottle costs ~$15 and will last a very long time.

You can still do the 3-step system if you want, but instead of using the 3rd step (iirc, it`s Carnauba Wax) use the Collinite.

10-03-2008, 05:43 PM
The paint looks to be in good shape. When looking at it in the sun can you see swirl marks?

If you need to get rid of swirls Meguiars 105 works by hand. You can get some from ADS a sample size and it will not break the bank. Use that then the Meguiars DC system and instead of the DC wax you can get Collinite as mentioned or Finish Kare 1000p hi Temp. FK also has a great quick detailer #425, good prices and $4.99 shipping.

10-03-2008, 06:32 PM
Borrow a PC, see if there are any detailers on the board in your area. Believe me, you`ll be happy if you do.