View Full Version : What happens when....

09-30-2008, 01:54 PM
I use Megs 105 with a yellow, orange or white pad? I have asked similar pad vs. polish questions before, but it seems like in the past year a lot of miracle products have been turning up. I am asking this for a reason. I do mostly GM cars with very hard clear. My impala for example I will fully detail (with paint correction) (its black) 2-3 times a year. Even tough it is hard to get a swirl free finish using stuff like Menzerna IP, I really don`t feel comfortable with tearing into my paint with Megs 105 on twisted wool 2-3 times a year. Maybe this is a misconception (please clear it up for me if it is), but I feel like it will take off too much of the clear coat over time. Now its possible i am panicking over nothing, its also possible Megs 105 is designed not to do this. I have seen the M105 results on a lot of C&B`s lately and I must say it is very impressive stuff. Is this the type of product I can use with any pad. Could I use it on orange, could I use it on white?? Or does it really like wool? And also, will at act more like a light cut cleaner or light swirl remover if you use it on orange or white, or will it just make a mess because it likes wool? I just want to know what its capabilities are, because it really seems like an awesome product. I just have my concerns about clear removal through regular use.

Straighten me out please.....


09-30-2008, 02:37 PM
You`re assumtions are correct to the point that Clearcoat is not skin cells. Once it`s gone... it`s gone. I`ve never understood people aggressively polishing out their cars several times a year. Adding a gloss or a very light polish is one thing. But I know people that compound and then several steps of polish after that several times a year.... It dosen`t come back people.. Once you polish it off that`s it. you either get paint failure or you re-paint/clear the damn car....

09-30-2008, 02:47 PM
M105 on a white pad is a nice product - it acts like a mild swirl mark remover (SIP ish) but it works in a fraction of the time. M105/white followed by 106ff/black is a fine combo for moderate work.

09-30-2008, 02:49 PM
My only concern is why your paint needs to be corrected with compound so often. It is understandble even with great washing technigues to get some marring, but inperfections sever enough to require compounding are caused by neglect. It is always a good idea to do some test pannels to see what the least agressive pad/polish combo you can use to get the desired results.

I found that m105 works very well on purple foamed wool. It is very workable and not as agressive as a pure wool pad. In my expierence you can work it with less agressive pads, but at that point i usually have to add another polish to make it more workable.

Scottwax i think dilutes m105 about 20% with op and gets great results with a foam pad. I want to say it is a meg`s finishing pad, but i am not too sure.

09-30-2008, 02:51 PM
I agree, you should not aggressively compound your car 2-3 times a year, it shouldn`t even need that much if it`s being properly cared for.

My truck was fully polished about 1 1/2 years ago and is just now at the point of needing to be touched up again, but even now it`s no where near needing to be recompounded.

M105 can be used with different pads, but the results will vary greatly and you will get it`s full potential by using a wool pad on a rotary. Using M105 with a white pad has about the same cut as Menz SIP.


09-30-2008, 03:10 PM
I agree, you should not aggressively compound your car 2-3 times a year....

M105 can be used with different pads, but the results will vary greatly.....Using M105 with a white pad has about the same cut as Menz SIP.


good post, thanks Josh...great advise that I can use this weekend on a detail.... Thanks again

09-30-2008, 08:18 PM
good post, thanks Josh...great advise that I can use this weekend on a detail.... Thanks again

Always good advice....

Ok, I think my questions have been answered for the most part. My paint is not bad enough that it needs full compounding with wool. It has swirls. I won`t call them light, but its not like deep swirls or scratching. I was just wondering if on harder clear you step it up a notch to counter act the hard clear, that`s all, and if its safe to do so. For example (just an example because I don`t know if Honda`s have soft clear) your doing a Honda lets say with a soft clear. Moderate swirls. 106FF on White would normally remove the swirls no problem. Now though, we are talking about a hard GM clear. It would be safe to use SIP on Orange because the clear is so much harder to remove swirls from. Am I headed in the right direction???

In any case, I will try IP on orange for my project first. I think that is SAFE (correct me again if its not) to use a few times a year. And then if that doesn`t work I will try the 105 on orange or foamed wool.

Its a delicate balance, isn`t it?


10-02-2008, 03:32 PM
I think I will throw this one back to the top....