View Full Version : Dirtier sponge with ONR

09-28-2008, 05:41 PM
I used ONR for the first time tonight in preparation for the winter.

It worked fine except I found that my wash mitt and sponge became dirtier alot quicker than when I use a regular car wash soap. I was using the 2 bucket method.

I am in NY and temp is still in the 60s.

i have just decided that when it drops into the 50s, I am going to a local hand car wash. I will supply them with my own mitt and WW towel.

I am a diabetic and i dont want to get sick washing my car with cold water.

Tonight I used my vacuum/blower to dry each panel after washing with ONR. Using the blower is good but very time consuming bc the diameter of the hose is only about 2 inches.

Would it be ok to do a quick wash with ONR and then let it air dry? I know about water spots but i have to take care of my health and i want to limit the time i spend out in the cold..



09-28-2008, 07:38 PM
I am a diabetic and i dont want to get sick washing my car with cold water.

You can always fill your wash bucket with warm/hot water.

Why not just dry it with a WW or MF? It would be much quicker than the blower.

09-29-2008, 12:33 AM
IIRC a lot of people have reported that, and I have certainly found it as well.

As a result I always use the 2BM and if I`m using MF`s I keep a good supply of them at hand and use several as i work around the car. Otherwise, if using a mitt, I just make sure I do a really good job rinsing it out between sections ;)

09-29-2008, 02:53 AM
if you`re going to airdry, I`d suggest buying some distilled water for your ONR mix

09-29-2008, 04:55 PM
It is normal for the mitt or wash pad to get dirtier but it doesn`t affect how ONR works or cause any marring issues. It is more of a cosmetic problem if anything.

09-29-2008, 05:14 PM
if you`re going to airdry, I`d suggest buying some distilled water for your ONR mix

What is diferent about distilled water and where can i buy 8 gallons for a good price?


09-29-2008, 05:25 PM
What is diferent about distilled water and where can i buy 8 gallons for a good price?

thanksNo minerals in the water and you can buy it in most grocery stores.

09-29-2008, 06:04 PM
Do you have a garage so you can wash the car indoors while using ONR with hot/warm water? You can mop the puddles later, but there won`t be much really.

09-29-2008, 06:20 PM
Do you have a garage so you can wash the car indoors while using ONR with hot/warm water? You can mop the puddles later, but there won`t be much really.

Yes i do have a one car garage but my garage queen car lives in it! I guess I could take her out and then wash my other cars in there w ONR. Good suggestion! Thanks
