View Full Version : wax or sealant against road grime, tar, asphalt, bird droppings

09-28-2008, 01:24 PM
What waxes or sealants are good against road grime, tar, asphalt, bird droppings?

What waxes or sealants are mediocre against road grime, tar, asphalt, bird droppings?

Shine does not matter. Water beading does not matter.

09-29-2008, 10:13 AM
I find that Collinite 476S paste wax does better against stuff like that than any of my other LSPs, with the possible exception of *heavily* layered KSG.

Haven`t tried out my FK1000P yet though, I sorta expect it to be great in this regard

also but that`s just a guess.

As for products that are *not* all that great against such hazards, by beloved UPP isn`t too hot. I get etching from bugs/birds quite readily with UPP, whereas the same stuff doesn`t etch after *days on end* with 476S.

09-29-2008, 10:49 AM
poly charged klasse x2 absolutey bomb proof