View Full Version : One more question about dealer plastic

09-18-2008, 08:41 AM
I have my 2009 civic fresh off the truck waiting for me at the dealership. They are not touching the exterior. Plastic stays on, no stickers, no drilling license plate holes. It was suggested that I remove the plastic myself. If I remove the plastic at the dealership so I can inspect the paint before leaving, will it hurt if I drive it home before washing it? I`ve asked if I could wash the car in one of their bays and they politely declined. Would it be better to do it at the dealership, or just run the risk of it being defective paint and take it home for removal?

09-19-2008, 10:47 PM
Driving a dirty car won;t hurt anything. Why not let them remove the plastic and then inspect it? That way if there is a chip/flaw it is on them?

09-19-2008, 11:24 PM
You can easily remove it yourself and take a look at it. There is no harm driving it home dirty.

09-20-2008, 04:50 AM
Thanks guys. My wife is not happy about this. We are picking up the car Monday morning, but I then have to go directly to work. I am requiring her to drive the car directly home and put it in the garage. She is not allowed to drive it again until I complete prep on Tuesday.

I`m so excited to prep this car though. I`m hoping for pristine paint underneath that plastic!

09-20-2008, 10:54 AM
Why not let them remove the plastic and then inspect it? That way if there is a chip/flaw it is on them?

The last two times I let the dealership guys remove the plastic they managed to instill marring that was too deep to be safely removed. In both cases, refusing delivery over the marring wasn`t feasible, so I was left with a brand new vehicle that was more damaged than it woulda *ever* been had I not let them touch it. Years later, those scratches on the MPV are still, by far, the worst flaws on the vehicle :(

09-20-2008, 11:45 AM
congrats on the new vic! please post some pics when you get a chance... :)

p.s. what color did you get?

09-20-2008, 06:10 PM
Its Taffeta White with gray leather interior. Oh there will be pics. I plan on doing my first Click & Brag with this car. I don`t have a DA yet so no correction (hopefully none is needed), but everything else. I`m planning on going to my local detailing shop to pick out a wax for this car. I plan on using KAIO/KSG as my sealant. Any suggestions for a good topper on white paint? I was thinking possibly Pinnacle but I didn`t want to shell out for Souverein. P21S intrigues me since I have a black car, but will it give a good shine to white?

I went and filled out the paperwork for the car today. My salesman is being great. He is keeping the keys in his personal filebox so no one can move/wash the car. It`s parked way off in the back of the dealership where no one can back a car into it, and it still has all of the plastic on the interior and exterior. He said if he dies, to tell them where the keys are because I am the only other person who knows where they are. This guy is great.

09-20-2008, 06:29 PM
Its great that you have a salesman who is willing to work with you on your request for the dealer to not prep the car. Most dealers will not do that or give you a hard time about it. As others have said, it is fine to drive home a dirty car. Just make sure you inspect the hell out of it when you are at the dealer to make sure there is nothing wrong. Otherwise, you made a good choice in not letting the dealer prep the car.

09-20-2008, 06:42 PM
Do I need to tell you about the lot porter I saw the other night trying to take out water spots with an oily shop towel on a new BLACK GTR?

I was blown off until I started talking product with the manager (I was there to work on the T-1 lines). I showed him all the streaking and scratches already in the paint with my minimag....

I will never ever let a dealer do anything to my car.

David Fermani
09-20-2008, 08:18 PM
When`s the Click N Brag coming?

09-21-2008, 04:26 AM
When`s the Click N Brag coming?

I have to wait for my lender`s check to come in Fedex on monday before I get the car. Click and brag will come tuesday night.

09-21-2008, 01:11 PM
Its Taffeta White... I plan on using KAIO/KSG as my sealant. Any suggestions for a good topper on white paint? I was thinking possibly Pinnacle but I didn`t want to shell out for Souverein. P21S intrigues me since I have a black car, but will it give a good shine to white?

I don`t top my KSG any more as I like to add more KSG from time to time. And I`m not a huge fan of P21s either. But yeah, it oughta look good as P21s is, IME, a sorta "bright/reflective" wax.

Oh, and congrats on the car and on finding a good salesman. Now you can start educating the Service Dept. on how to treat it ;)