View Full Version : 21 years of MB brake dust - time to refurb!

09-16-2008, 01:09 PM
I knew that the wheels on my ’87 560SL were not in very good condition when I bought the car last year. The car overall is in great shape, but it’s obvious that the previous owners were from the “wash it and put it away” school of car care. I made a valiant effort on the exteriors, using an assortment of products [P21S, Griot’s Garage, Meguiar’s] and brushes to try to clean those infernal 15-hole wheels to a presentable state; taking care not to use anything too harsh so as not to further damage the 21 year old finish. The goal was to make them somewhat presentable until I could get them refurbished by a local company. I finally bought an alternate set of wheels and tires and when I removed the originals it became obvious that anything short of a full re-furbish would be a waste of time. Out of sheer embarrassment I tried to clean up the back sides of the wheels before taking them to the refurbishing company, and not even a full-on, undiluted degreaser would make any headway. So, just to illustrate what 21 years of Mercedes Benz brake dust looks like, I submit herewith:

Not too bad from the front:


But turn them over – GAAK!!!



Even after the degreaser scrubbing:



At least before mounting the new wheels I had the chance to clay them up like new and applied two coats of Poorboy’s sealant. Now I can wipe off the brake dust with some QD and a microfiber – which is a daily task when I drive the car. When the wheels are refurbished I may post up the results, but I just had to share what two decades of unattended brake dust looks like!

New wheels in place:


All photos were taken with an old Kodak digital – I wish I would have taken my Nikon out of the bag!



Thanks – and don’t let brake dust get away from you!! :cooleek:

09-16-2008, 08:55 PM
wow, those were originally silver? That is an incredible amount of dust.

09-16-2008, 09:13 PM
Hm, my wheels will be like that in realistically 2 months even if I clay, prep, and protect them with Rejex - inside and out.

OEM pads on these German cars are notorious for it, particularly those older generation cars from the 80s-90s. This can`t possibly be 21 years, at some point it probably crusts off, because I`m not kidding about the amount of dust.

09-17-2008, 07:26 AM
Maybe the first few coats of dried dust kept any more from accumulating over the years :). If they made ceramic pads /rotors for this year and model, I`d switch. I don`t believe anyone makes an aftermarket ceramic kit for the older SL`s. When the refurbished 15-hole wheels go back on, I`m going to get some of those brake dust shields.

imported_Totoland Mach
09-17-2008, 07:36 AM
GREAT Job on the wheels Young Man! You get extra dessert for that LOL!

Seriously, brake dust is one of those nasty, on-going maintenance chores with today`s disc brakes.

See Ya around Sir


09-17-2008, 01:34 PM
every BMW i see come into Delta Sonic (my current place of employment) has awfull brake dust problems. Mercedes are bad too, did a rim wax on one where the wheels were all black.

Envious Eric
09-17-2008, 01:38 PM
i like the replacement wheels better anyway

09-19-2008, 09:48 AM
i like the replacement wheels better anyway

Thanks. In truth, SO DO I :chuckle: I`ll keep the original wheels just in case my heirs ever decide to sell the car after I`m gone.