View Full Version : meguiars g220 use

09-15-2008, 02:57 PM
i have recently got one havent used it just yet.but i was told you cant apply or take a wax off with it.?

is this true? i always thought it was fine for this.thought that was the point. but a friend who normally asks my advise has said a friend of his has told him this.

he said its just for use on scratch remover types and deepening polishes.

he is wrong isnt he?

Eliot Ness
09-15-2008, 06:43 PM
Yes, he is wrong. It is basically a PC with a bit more power. I use a PC to apply waxes and sealers all of the time. I usually buff them off by hand, but you can use a MF bonnet and buff off with the G220 also.

09-15-2008, 06:44 PM
you can apply and take wax off with the PC/UDM/G110-220. for removing, use a microfiber bonnet and put it over a foam cutting pad (you want a pad that is a little stiff) and use it on speed 5...

09-16-2008, 12:42 AM
as i thought.thank you people. looks like i may be investing in an mf bonnet then just to see the difference.

i do normally do everything by hand but thought it was time to invest in a g220 as im seeing a lot of fantastic results lately on various websites :D