View Full Version : Hairs? what does this look like

09-15-2008, 01:29 AM
Three coats of OS later, I found these on the paint. Anyone seen anything similar? The paint was just polished out (washed after) The OS was applied with a Cobra MF...could the MF be shedding?

A QD just kinda pushes them around, the hairs seem to cling to the paint.



Eliot Ness
09-15-2008, 06:17 AM
The second picture sure looks like lint to me. I usually use a small foam or MF covered applicator to apply the WOWA sealants. You don`t wash your MF`s with anything that sheds like cotton towels do you?

09-15-2008, 06:46 AM
You don`t wash your MF`s with anything that sheds like cotton towels do you?

That`s what I was wondering too. It looks like cotton.

09-15-2008, 08:42 AM
Those fibers especially the lint balls are to big to be MF.

09-15-2008, 12:20 PM
MFs get washed with MFs only....]

how strange

09-15-2008, 12:52 PM
Do you own long napped MFs? If so, maybe they shared the love with the rest of your shorter napped MFs.

The lint looks blue-ish.

Possibly your washer or dryer had residual fibers which entangled themselves.

IME, some of the cobras lint terribly, although, it`s micro lint.

A wash should clear that up.

If you want to check if your MFs are linting, dry wipe them vigorously over glass and check at various angles.