View Full Version : Water Spot Dilemma

09-11-2008, 02:51 PM
One of my relatives recently moved to Palm Springs and her car is getting hammered by hard water spots by sprinklers. Everywhere she goes in town to park, including home, has sprinklers that spew hard water. To make matters worse, the spots get baked in the sun ( 100 degrees in Palm Springs) I was able to get the majority of the spots out with a clay bar and a vinegar bath, but some etching still remains.

My question is will the etching continue to get worse if I do not buff it out? I am sure the car will continue to get soaked and bake new spots in the sun. I do not want to waste my time or the clear coat of the car buffing it every month. The car is a lease and I was planning on showing my relative how to clay and vinegar wash her car and I will eventually buff the entire car when the lease is up. What do you think?



09-11-2008, 04:24 PM
If it`s that bad there`s nothing you can do. People will continue to abuse their cars and eventually the paint will become unrepairable, best not to worry since it is a lease. Do all your tough work before the return. Other than that a monthly light polish/wax routine will help keep a majority of the damage from occurring. Believe it or not even though you can`t get rid of some of the spots immediately, over time most of them disappear. I`ve had stubborn spots on my truck that polished out into a hard etched ring that just seem to disappear after a week or so in the next wash.