View Full Version : All hell broke loose tonight

09-09-2008, 08:21 PM
As the title implies, major things are happening tonight affecting my life and many others around me. If you expect a funny post, look elsewhere please. I just feel the need to write this down somehow.

A week ago, my brother and his 5 years girlfriend broke up. They still live together until she can move back to her hometown.

Tonight, I receive a call from my best friend`s girlfriend, in tears. She wants to know if I`m aware where my friend is. I expected her to tell me he had a big accident, could happen with his type of work. Then she tells me things haven`t been going well for the past few weeks and they finally broke up in the morning... she`s 7 months pregnant and they have a 2 years old daughter. And, to top things up, he`s gone away with my brother`s recent ex-girlfriend.

My best friend`s now ex is good friend with my brother`s ex` sister. My brother, his ex, myself and my "best friend" are (were) really good friends and took part in a weekly role playing game with some other friends.

How faster can you ruin friendships and family than that ? I can`t understand what`s happening. I`m confused. The protagonists` cell phones are turned off so I can`t get their side of the story.

My "best friend"`s ex will be fine for now I think, she`s of course depressed and confused, but she told me her mother is staying with her tonight to help her get through it and help with the kid. Good.

I know he wasn`t the most lawful boyfriend and I know he cheated on her at least once. But to choose his d!ck instead of his kids as a priority... I thought he had more judgement than this.

We are close, so I expect he`ll call me in the following days. I don`t know what I`ll say. I don`t know the whole story yet I would like to punch him right now.

I`m spending the evening chatting with my brother about this event which is affecting both our lives. He`s taking it hard, so am I.

I don`t know if our friendship`s circle will break, but it sure has a deep dent.

09-09-2008, 08:53 PM
things are heated right now, but they will eventually cool down. hope everything works out...

09-09-2008, 10:43 PM
Things have a habit of working out in the end. I hope everything does turn for the better soon. :)

09-10-2008, 06:40 PM
Sounds extremely familiar. My cousin`s cousin had a very similar situation. His wife ended up leaving him out of the blue with their 2 year kid. A couple weeks later it came up that not only was she cheating on him, but it was with his sister`s ex and that she was now pregnant with his kid :furious:

I would just try to be cool and act like an adult the whole time as much as it sucks. It`s usually situations like these that people `act out` and do something irrational that they`ll later regret.

I hope everything works out for you and your brother, but as you already know life isn`t perfect.

09-10-2008, 07:21 PM
I hope for the sake of everybody involved that it will work out somehow. At the moment I don`t want to talk to him. I`m more concerned about my brother and my "friend" `s ex.