View Full Version : Menzerna FMJ and Carnauba

09-08-2008, 08:20 PM
Do any of you guys apply a coat of FMJ and top it off with a carnauba wax?

Or, should be be a coat of carnauba and then FMJ?

By the way, I have to say thanks to all you guys. Have been reading for a while and have learned more then I ever thought about this stuff.

Will post a couple pics in a week or so of my first real "detail"

09-08-2008, 09:00 PM
Good question !!!

I`ve never tried FMJ but I would think MFJ then wax ?

09-09-2008, 08:34 AM
Well, I`ve used the Acrylic Shield from Menzener (The All-In-One) product, which contains some FMJ, and I topped it with a Carnauba. The AS is a nice product, but it did not last that long.

09-09-2008, 11:22 AM
I`ve used FMJ, both by itself with occasional refreshes of HGAS; and I`ve topped it w/ S100 carnauba. There wasn`t a big difference to my eyes but it was fun/interesting to try something new.

The carnauba would definitely go on AFTER the FMJ.
