View Full Version : 303 Aerospace Protectant Question

09-05-2008, 12:46 AM
After years of reading all the raves, I picked up 303 Aerospace Protectant. Had no problem applying it on the exterior trim of my Mustang, but it stunk up my whole interior. Some people say it emits a chemical odor, but on mine, it just reeked of B.O. I was gagging as I rushed to the nearest Schuck`s Auto Parts for some air freshener to counter the stench.

Hopefully, as other people have said, the odor will disappear after the 303 dries off.

My question is this: will I compromise the quality of the 303 if I spike it with a bottle of air freshener?

09-05-2008, 01:01 AM
You have a bad bottle. It was discussed a couple months ago. Yes you can add a water based fragrance.

09-05-2008, 02:02 AM
I find it to have a musty smell and it always goes away by the end of the day. If a air freshener is used I cant smell it at all.

09-05-2008, 02:33 AM
You have a bad bottle. It was discussed a couple months ago. Yes you can add a water based fragrance.

Really? "Bad" as in "it just stinks," or "Bad" as in "the contents have expired?"

Garry Dean
09-05-2008, 07:00 AM
Take it back where you got it and get a refund or a new bottle!

09-05-2008, 11:10 AM
I actually didn`t pay for it. My uncle bought it, as I was helping him pick up some car care stuff.

Nevertheless, maybe I should just dump the entire bottle. I should`ve read salty`s post first before I poured some alcohol-based freshener in it.

09-05-2008, 11:21 AM
Where did you purchase it from? It should not smell bad at all...

Cleaning Fool
09-05-2008, 11:31 AM
Roll down your windows and let the car air out

09-05-2008, 11:33 AM
Not sure on what solvent would be in your air freshener, some like IPA dissolve in water.

If you don`t want to use it on the interior try it on tires and wheel wells.

09-05-2008, 11:42 AM
Matt@Autogeek - I got the 303 from Schuck`s Auto Parts.

CleaningFool - Did that last night. Checked this morning and so far, the stench has disappeared.

salty - After the nauseating experience, I will not use 303 on the interior again. I`ll just use it on the exterior trim. Switching back to Meguiar`s for interior cleaning.

09-05-2008, 11:35 PM
I`ve had 2 32oz bottles that had the smell. Its kind of like damp dirty sweat socks that have been sitting in a gym locker too long. The smell has always gone away by the next day. Iv`e heard that if the product freezes a foul odor can result. But unless the bottles froze while in Autogeeks possesion I don`t know how they could have been frozen.

09-06-2008, 12:03 AM
Most of the stench is gone, but there is a faint smell of ammonia that will hopefully go away over the weekend. Managed to remove most of the stench with Meguiar`s Quik Interior Detailer Wipes over the areas affected by 303. Also sprayed the interior with Auto Expressions Odor Eliminator.

By Monday, I`ll get my Air Spencer CS-X3 Squash refill (as well as a can of My Shaldan Squash for backup), and everything will be back to normal.

09-06-2008, 07:06 AM
I`ve had a few partial bottles go bad after leaving them in my shed during freezing temps. Seems that has something to do with the BO smell. I just relegated the remainder to exterior dressing. 303 should have a dull, chemical-type scent if the bottle is fresh.

09-19-2008, 06:10 PM
I have not yet experienced any odors from my Aerospace Protectant. If I were you I would just use that batch for the inner fender wells where it won`t matter if it has a stench. It stays in my climate controlled garage so its never in cold or hot temperatures. Hate to hi-jack this thread but it saves me from starting a new thread just for this plus it might help others. My question is if 303 Aerospace Protectant available in 54 oz.? I could have sworn I have seen them in that size and I believe they did not have the spray nozzle. I know they come in 16 oz., 32 oz., and 128 oz. i don`t need another spray bottle one, I`d rather just have the refill bottle, but 1 gallon of the stuff seems like it might be too much cause I would hate to see it go bad halfway through because I didn`t use it up fast enough. Other than that it is a great product and I highly recommend it to anyone!