View Full Version : Cleaning cast iron and aluminum what to use

09-04-2008, 09:15 PM
What would you all reccomend cleaning parts that are made from cast iron and aluminum? Such as brake calipers, engine blocks, cam covers, etc? My brake calipers are starting to look real nasty from all of the brake dust. I`ve though of using Simple Green, but from what I`ve heard it can pit and corrode. Any suggestions?

09-06-2008, 12:53 PM
So would simple green be ok to use, or would a wheel cleaner be less harsh on the calipers?

09-06-2008, 03:46 PM
If you use Simple Green just make sure you dilute it properly and do not let it sit on the metal. Rinse thoroughly and quickly.

Give it a shot, and report back if it doesn`t work so we can see what products might be needed.

09-06-2008, 06:48 PM
Something to remember with Simple Green:

Rinse PROFUSELY! Simple Green can be diluted over 1000:1 and still have strength left, so if you just quickly rinse it and then leave it, it will sit there and etch into whatever you were cleaning...

Rinse at least 5x what you think you should, to make sure it is ALL off of there.

I`ve stopped using Simple Green mainly for that reason, it is horribly hard to rinse out of the engine bay!

I now use ZEP Heavy-Duty Degreaser for engine bays and wheelwells, and I`m sure it would work for brake calipers as well.

09-06-2008, 09:06 PM
Looks like I won;t be using simple green then. So any all purpose cleaner and degrease should be fine right? Is there any others besides simple green that I should avoid? I`ve used the super clean degrease before, and I know that stuff is way too strong.

09-06-2008, 11:37 PM
I use simple green for everything from engine bays to wiring to engine blocks to plastics, and I use it at 100% non-diluted strength and never had a problem with it damaging anything.

09-08-2008, 04:41 PM
I use classic SimpleGreen and SG Max formulas with NO problems on aluminum at all. I prefer not to let it dry on the surface; just spray on; agitate and rinse.

I`ve never had any problem at all with it when diluted 4:1 or better.