View Full Version : What to tape off before polishing

08-29-2008, 09:13 AM
Hey Guys

I was wondering what parts of the car do you tape off pre polishing or even claying..im new at this......i have severel chrome pieces on my car on the trim, door handels, badging etc..... do you usually tape that off or is there no reason too..

Also if you can tell me some parts you tape off for a mental note would be great


08-29-2008, 09:47 AM
Are you using a rotary or a PC?

If using a rotary I would say tape off anything that isn`t paint. Save for windows :)

Pretty much anything plastic as a rotary can burn through that very quickly.

For a PC I don`t think it`s as critical. I never really tape anything off when I use my PC.

Although since going to my rotary I haven`t used my PC for a long while :)

08-29-2008, 11:20 AM
I don`t tape off anything when claying, I just watch what I let the clay contact.

With the PC, I tape off things that might stain with the polish being used (if applicable).

On *AUDIS* I tape off the clear anodized aluminum trim if I`m using abrasives. Every time. Period. That finish is *VERY* fragile...ever see an early A8 that still has perfect aluminum trim? Didn`t think so ;)

With the rotary, I tape off plastics, edges, and corners, at least if I`m using foam pads as opposed to (gentle) wool. If I`m even *remotely* worried about damaging something if I make a mistake, I tape it off. Better safe than sorry and tape is cheap. I tape/mask any areas that might cause trouble if I get sling too.

08-29-2008, 01:06 PM
I agree with the "tape everything that isn`t paint" concept, except for head and tail lights and sidemarkers and blinkers because I like to wax and polish those anyway. If it`s rubber or plastic generally tape it up. I just bought 10 rolls of 3M blue tape in thick and thin assortments just for this (then again i just replaced every seal and moulding on my car and it cost a small fortune, so I`m not taking any chances).