View Full Version : Do I really need a new Sealant?

08-29-2008, 12:10 AM
I`m always wanting to try new stuff and use the best that I can find, or get my hands on. As of now Im using Menz FMJ and slowing backing off Klasse. Well Im almost out of klasse, and have a lifetime supply of FMJ. I love FMJ for its slickness and shine, but Im wondering if it really lasts as long as they say, same goes with Klasse.

My question to you all is should I stick with my line up of FMJ and Klasse, or should I get something else? Im looking at the autoglym extra gloss protection, some sort or zanio or what else give a good shine and LASTS in HIGH UV enviorments like Lousainia and Texas, my cars are outside 24/7 and I keep them clean and try to do a light polish and sealant about every 2 months, with a quick fmj monthly if I remember. So whats going to protect my paint the best?

08-29-2008, 06:03 AM
Well Im almost out of klasse, and have a lifetime supply of FMJ. I love FMJ for its slickness and shine, but Im wondering if it really lasts as long as they say, same goes with Klasse.

If you`ve got a lifetime supply, I`d just stick with what you`ve got. I did the whole "I wanna try this and I wanna try that" for a while and now I`ve got way too much and I wish I would have just picked something and stuck with it. I`ve used FMJ once, and it did look nice and was easy to use. If you`re worried about it`s durability, then just apply it more frequently. It`s so easy to use that once a month shouldnt take too much time and you`ll always have a fresh coat on the car.

08-29-2008, 06:13 AM
I have used Klasse and Wolfgang and UPP and actually liked them all. My next try is Duragloss. My order will be here Tuesday. Got some 501/601/105....If I dont like it at least it didnt break the bank.................

08-29-2008, 08:34 AM
I think either way im going to get some more klasse for plastics and stuff, I love putting it on my paintball lens it makes cleaning it a breaze after I get splatterd (not shot but near miss`s)

08-29-2008, 08:41 AM
I did the whole "I wanna try this and I wanna try that" for a while and now I`ve got way too much and I wish I would have just picked something and stuck with it


There are a lot of products that I want to try these days, but am holding off because I have 14 different waxes and sealants, and only maybe 3 or 4 of which I use on a semi-regular basis (at least once every 2 or 3 months). In addition to costing me a lot of money, they are taking up space.

Find a solid product that you like, and stick to it (my "drugs of choice" are OCW and 845 IW).

08-29-2008, 09:17 AM
Fine Fine... I`ll keep with the FMJ and Klasse... Got to love the German stuff

08-29-2008, 09:24 AM
Zaino claims to have very good UV protection. You can use CS over KAIO or FMJ. Z2pro is the longest lasting Z product.

08-29-2008, 10:52 AM
Sorry about this question being off-topic. :o

wannafbody, what does your user-name stand for?

08-29-2008, 11:09 AM
im assuming its inplying F-Body cars such as the Camaro and the Firebird.

08-29-2008, 12:45 PM
Just use what you have and get some UPGP or Opti Seal to put on another long lasting layer or two.

Both are very very quick to apply and give a really good finish.

08-29-2008, 01:39 PM
I`d gladly relieve you of some FMJ if you want :)

08-29-2008, 06:18 PM
im assuming its inplying F-Body cars such as the Camaro and the Firebird.

We have a winner:woot2:

Cleaning Fool
08-30-2008, 07:01 PM
I always liked FMJ..Super easy to use. No, I don`t think, in fact I know it doesn`t last as long as the claim of 6 months. The key words of course are "Up to 6 months." Those 2 liitle words are used often in marketing car care products. My test showed 3 months solid on top of a well prepped car. If you want it to last longer, get some Polycharger, should do the trick.

08-31-2008, 11:48 AM
I`d use both sealant and wax. It gives it a great deep look. Use a QD to keep both lasting a long time. Did you like the FMJ? I didn`t think it lasted that long, for all the hype it got. Between that, jetseal 109 and wolfgang DGPS. The wolfgang I liked the best. Espeacially topped with a nuba. I just purchased the souveran paste on AG as a buy 1 get 1 free deal. Never tried it before, but couldn`t pass on that deal. The PS21 100% was a great topper, can`t wait to try the souveran paste.