View Full Version : Another noobie here with a BIG post with no cliffnotes!

08-18-2008, 12:59 PM
Hi all. New guy who realized who filthy his car is. Here`s some shots:

http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/5715/autopidtp2.th.jpg (http://img396.imageshack.us/my.php?image=autopidtp2.jpg)

This here is a picture of the headlights:

http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/8324/autopid3ue3.th.jpg (http://img102.imageshack.us/my.php?image=autopid3ue3.jpg)

Closer look on the hood:

http://img360.imageshack.us/img360/6789/autpoid6dr5.th.jpg (http://img360.imageshack.us/my.php?image=autpoid6dr5.jpg)

This website has ALOT of good information and I`ve been disseminating it for the past few days now. I knew NOTHING about washing cars (I still have very limited knowledge, as you will soon see), but I have got the basic of the basic steps down.

I bought a Porter Cable 7424 recently... but I am at a lost to buy what next.

It would seem that the next logical step would be to buy a backing plate. I was thinking about the "3.5" Dual Action Flexible Backing Plate". How does this one sound? I wanted a small one that would be able to handle 4`` pads. (After reading how alot of users preferred 4`` rather than 5``-6`` pads)

So now, I need to buy everything else. And by everything else, I mean EVERYTHING else. All I have are my garden hose... and 2 buckets.

I will now show you the steps of my stupidity... Bear in mind that I am on a budget, and I might be missing an important step or item, so please let me know:

First step: Washing

1- Sheepskin Wash Mitt

1- ULTI-MIT Wash Mitt by Lake Country

1- Grit Guard

1- Supreme Guzzler Waffle Weave By Cobra 20 x 40

1 32oz Optimum Car Wash New Formula

Yeah. I only have one towel on there. I don`t mind taking the time to wring it every so often... Do you guys think it`s necessary to have another one? Overall, how does that look? Total of this comes out to about $64 w/out shipping.

Now, onto: Polishing

I already have my PC, and my 3.5`` backing plate is about to be ordered. Now what? I know each color of the pad means different roughness... So which pads do you guys think I`ll need... and how many judging by those pictures? I plan on using these pads in the future (not just for this job).

I`ve been seeing kits with 8 pads: 4 different types of pads x2, and I don`t think I would be using all of those... Maybe 2-3 at most. (But then again, wth do I know?)

As for the specific polish, theres a million threads that I`ll look through and see which one I can use. But if you guys have some quick recommendations based on the pictures, fire away!

I do have 2 very small MF cloths that I think I can use for removal of the polish and wax. I don`t know what brand they are, but I am certain they are of MF quality. Safe to use on my car?

Then we have: Waxing

Again, I have no idea what pads and how many I`m going to need. I`m going to take a wild guess and say that I won`t be able to use the same pads that I used for the polish on the waxing part.

Same thing with the polish... If you guys have any quick recommendations of which wax to use, that`ll be great.

I think that about sums it up. FYI again, I am on a budget, so please bear that in mind. I look forward to your comments! Thanks~