View Full Version : Newbie Question

08-18-2008, 08:41 AM
I hate to ask this question but...I get streaks:cry: when using a quick detailer (Meguiars) what am I doing wrong...I`m using a microsoft towel. Is it too much detailer not enough...I thought this was just wipe on wipe off...but it`s not ending up that way. Thanks in advance...

08-18-2008, 09:56 AM
I hate to ask this question but...I get streaks:cry: when using a quick detailer (Meguiars) what am I doing wrong...I`m using a microsoft towel. Is it too much detailer not enough...I thought this was just wipe on wipe off...but it`s not ending up that way. Thanks in advance...

What brand of towel are you using? Also, is the surface hot or cool when you are applying? Might be using too much, it just takes a thin mist to do the trick.

08-18-2008, 10:05 AM
Also could mean that your car needs a proper waxing. Says so right on the bottle I believe. But I`m of the belief that you can use as much as you like just make sure you`re final buff is not with a soaking wet cloth.

08-18-2008, 10:49 AM
And sometimes the QD in question just isn`t right for the job...there are compatibility issues between certain QDs and LSPs, and if there`s too much [stuff] being cleaned off many QDs just aren`t up to the job.

08-19-2008, 08:11 AM
I don`t know the brand of microfiber towels...something I picked up from the local auto store. The surface is cool...I typically will wipe it down inside the garage and when I get it out in the sun...I see steaks all over the car.

08-19-2008, 11:08 AM
nyc-style- Better test those MFs. And maybe you could tweak the garage lighting so that you don`t have as many surprises in the sunlight.