View Full Version : These things are a pain!

08-17-2008, 01:15 AM
I think they are pollen or something, perhaps from palm trees but they look like orange specs on the paint. Take it off the paint and it seems like a powder.

My question does anyone have some tips or tricks on taking these things off? What is the fastest way to do this when the car is covered in the little buggers?

08-17-2008, 02:15 PM
It`s bee poop. QD and a microfiber can take care of the spots if they are recent, you may have to clay the finish and rewax.

08-18-2008, 01:45 AM
Those orange powdery spots are bug poop, pollen is a bright yellow dust. Yes bugs poop, and if a bug poops in the next county over it`ll find your car`s paint and land there. Spray quick detailer on the panel let soak and wipe it away. But if your car is covered in it just wash it.

08-18-2008, 07:02 AM
I keep a bottle of Poorboys Spray and Wipe and a microfiber towel handy to do a quick wipe down. You think bee poop is bad, I had a wasp fly into my car the other day on the way to the gym and I almost jumped at at 45 mph. Once I got parked, it wouldn`t come out. I try snapping my gym towel at it a few times to get it mad enough to chase me. I know, bad idea. I figured once we got in the parking lot I could out run it. The wasp was stubborn and stayed around the back window and there was no way I was going to leave it there and get attacked when I came back. I popped the truck, grabbed a 6.5 Orange LC pad from my detail bag, crawled into the back seat and proceeded pin that evil critter between the pad and the back window. Sqoosh!

08-18-2008, 07:41 AM
Lately Ive been finding yellow poo on my Jeep. Its a liquid at first and once it dries it can be kinda hard to get off.