View Full Version : Danase Wet Glaze doesn`t like my clear bra

08-16-2008, 05:02 PM
Wonder if anyone has run into this. My car - GS350 Lexus - has a dealer installed clear bra on the hood and mirrors.

I was applying Danase Wet Glaze per instructions; I then removed any axcess with microfiber - then noticed that the clear bra how had an unsightly white line showing all along the edge.

This did not go away after several washes (ONR) or after applying quick detailer (FK425).

I then dug out my Klasse All in One and tried to remove the DWG white deposit - that failed to restore the clear bra edge.

I next tried using alcohol to remove the deposit - rubbed and rubbed - still some white DWG deposit remaining.

Would anyone have suggestions on how to remove the DWG from the edge of the clear bra?

Thank you.


08-16-2008, 05:11 PM
Yeah tape it up so you dont get it on there.

Use a toothpick

citizen arcane
08-16-2008, 06:55 PM
Use a toothpick

:eek: I would resist the urge to use a fingernail, toothpick etc. If/when you remove the bra there will be a nice straight line scratch there. Use a foam tipped applicator (available in the cosmetics section) and some wax eraser - Duragloss or other - and lightly remove it.

08-16-2008, 07:19 PM
Try soaking the edge with Plexus and wipe good with micro fiber.

I always tape edge or rub off/away from edge so no wax or polish gets trapped next to edge.

This is one of the reasons I love Zaino so much, it is applied very thing so it does not accumalate in 3m edges or in any cracks or crevices.

08-17-2008, 10:36 AM
Well - I live and learn - Plexus is going to be my next step. Thank you everyone.

08-17-2008, 02:58 PM
Try a Qtip

Thomas Dekany
08-17-2008, 03:41 PM
:eek: I would resist the urge to use a toothpick etc. Use a foam tipped applicator (available in the cosmetics section) and some wax eraser - Duragloss or other - and lightly remove it.

tootpick - terrible suggestion. :wall

Follow citizen arcane`s advice.