View Full Version : 2004 Toyota From Totally F`ed up to Factory Clean

08-14-2008, 06:59 PM
So basically this car was left to collect dirt and become and all around trash bucket for a year before I got to it.

Basically the night before I took these pictures, I begin by calling the guy and informing him that I wanted to start the night before on the interior because he mentioned to me how it was cluttered with papers and dog hair, I figured I would get this out of the way so I didn`t have to do it the next day

Well I was I quoted him something different because when I finally cleaned out the car that first night, it took me 2.5 hours, for some reason he had about a years worth of newspapers in his cars all thrashed from his dog moving around, and it literally filled up and entire trash can (THE BIGS ONES YOU PUT OUT ON THE STREET FOR THE DUMPTRUCK!!!) well when that was over, I still had to get the dog hair out, the interior was literally blanketed in Labrador dog hair...

Unfortunately I did this night before I took pics, but this shot of his dash should give you an idea of what his entire interior car looked like


Anyways, got started the next day, all in all took about 10 hours...all for the great deal of 120$!!!

The reason I am charging so cheap is because I am trying to get more business from my community and running a sort of community special.

Well enough yapping here are the before and after pics








And here it is all clean....the guy had to leave in a hurry, so I didn`t have time to take interior pics



