View Full Version : Just made my 1st Klasse purchase: Tips and insights please

08-10-2008, 08:55 PM
I just made my 1st purchase from Autogeek...

Klass AIO and SG (autogeek`s Super Size Kit)

303 Protectant

Wolfgang Deep Gloss Spritz Sealant (BOGO Free)

Pinnacle Rejuvenator Microfiber Detergent (BOGO Free)

OXO Auto Duster

I already own a PC 7424 and a few assorted Megs Mirror Glaze products (though I have not played with the PC much yet), and have used practically every OTC product Wal-Mart has to offer since I`ve owned my first car 15 years ago.

I know what OTC`s work, work well, and dont work at all.

I`m new to the niche market "high(er) - end products" though.

My question deals with the Klasse products. Klasse SG sounds very similar to "Liquid Glass" that I used to layer on my vehicles years ago. Are there any similarites.

Second, I would like input from experienced users of the Klasse products. Specifically, any tips or experiences not covered by the "Autopia Klasse User`s Guide".

Your help is appreciated!

08-13-2008, 06:22 PM
I got these both about 6 months ago. Loved the AIO, but the SG is really a pain to get off compared to similar quality sealants.

The only thing I noticed that the guide doesn`t mention is that the AIO isn`t really that good at covering up spiderwebs, and it will actually really highlight them due to the high shine it produces. Best bet is to polish the paint until it`s flawless before using the AIO by itself as a sealant.

08-13-2008, 11:42 PM
My number 1 piece of advice: a little goes a long way.

Especially for SG.

They both come off a lot easier if you use a quick detailer, so be sure to have some on hand.

I also AIO my glass, and headlights.

08-14-2008, 07:25 AM
With both Klasse products a little goes a long way.

Klasse All In One - Wipe On Wipe Off, no need to let dry completely

Klasse Sealant Glaze - Apply super thin coat to entire vehicle, let dry 30 minutes or more, then wipe off.

08-14-2008, 11:00 AM
The directions say damp applicator, and I had thought it meant mist or dribble some water - wrong.

Maybe this is more common sense for everyone else, but I just figured out that I need to completely wet and wring out the applicator to be "damp."

Enjoy the Klasse twins, they are really great.

08-14-2008, 01:19 PM
Go to youtube.com and search for Klasse. Someone posted a video with their preferred method of application. I tried it and it made application very easy. They used a sponge soaked in water then squeezed as much as possible. I often use Eagle One QD to "prime" my application pads. I find that foam application pads work better with SG. I prefer microfiber pads with AIO. I may use a PC for both but hand application is better for a beginner so you get a sense of what is meant by "THIN!". SG is harder to remove if applied too thick (when your haze is visible, it`s too thick). Moistening the pad helps apply AIO and SG thinner.