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08-06-2008, 12:05 PM
So, today I was victim to (another) door-ding in my Scion tC. People are too senseless (parking full-size sedans in spots clearly marked "Compact Car ONLY" ) and careless (swinging wide enough to ding your car when only the most obese would have to open their door that far) these days. So add that to the running total of two on the panel (passenger`s door) and 9th overall. This is on a car that we`ve owned for just over two years. And one that I take painstaking measures to try to keep safe.

Even today, I parked at a spot next to the curb (safe on one side for sure) and parked as close to the curb as possible. I come out of the Chinese buffet (lunch with co-workers) and hear the 5 unlock chirps from my alarm... yep, it was hit while I was gone.

My question is, what would you guys do given this kind of situation? Do you wait for the driver of the offending vehicle and confront them (I had no choice...had to go to work), or do you get their plate/make/model and phone insurance? (deductible is probably well over the cost of PDR) and leave a note on their windshield?

It angers me to no end that people can`t respect others` property. That`s not going to change, and even though I take these measure (I park on the last spot at work EVERY SINGLE DAY, even in pouring rain b/c there`s one side with no cars and I can crowd the curb) I still get dings all over. The worst are the vertical 4-5" I have on both doors. Those took some paint off and I`ll have to compound one day to see if I can get rid of the marks. :grrr

08-06-2008, 12:57 PM
Well, there is really nothing you can do. I`ve been in the situation several times; even caught a lady with her car door against my quarter panel. All it usually results in is an argument, and like you said, insurance deductibles cost way more than PDR. Filing a police report won`t do anything either (you think your situation is bad, my last BRAND NEW car got the entire driver`s side swiped from the bumper to the door, I had picture proof of who did it, and still got nothing from the police).

You can either let it go and go wtih PDR and chalk it up to one of the downfalls of actually driving your car instead of leaving it in the garage 24/7, or do the former and dent theirs back. :LOLOL

08-06-2008, 01:30 PM
It just bothers me.. this car was also the victim of a hit and run at my high-school parking lot. Left 5 long areas of removed paint (10-12" each) on my rear bumper. It`s going to cost around $450 to get the bumper repainted, and I just don`t have that kind of money to make up for other people`s stupidity.

I guess that`s the risk of driving a car... hah

08-06-2008, 01:44 PM
People they`re the worst! You can’t trust any of them. I always park in the NO DING zone. Besides it`s good exercise.

08-06-2008, 02:08 PM
People they`re the worst! You can’t trust any of them. I always park in the NO DING zone. Besides it`s good exercise.

I agree! However, sometimes the Florida rain doesn`t allow that. :(

08-06-2008, 02:09 PM
It just bothers me.. this car was also the victim of a hit and run at my high-school parking lot. Left 5 long areas of removed paint (10-12" each) on my rear bumper. It`s going to cost around $450 to get the bumper repainted, and I just don`t have that kind of money to make up for other people`s stupidity.

I guess that`s the risk of driving a car... hah

I hear you....I had to pay over $500 out of my pocket to get crap fixed, all because some people shouldn`t have a driver`s license.

08-06-2008, 02:21 PM
UC Irvine is hit and run heaven. People there hit cars like no other then head off like nothing happened :down

Careful with those SUV drivers that park there. Most of the time they have kids in there and sometimes the kids aren`t too considerate. I saw one kick his door open on another car before and it pissed me off enough to yell at the parent because they heard it and still walked off...

08-06-2008, 02:45 PM
People they`re the worst! You can’t trust any of them. I always park in the NO DING zone. Besides it`s good exercise.

I wish such a thing existed. Like I said, I parked at the furthest, most secluded parking spot available at the Chinese restaurant. With a curb on one side, and therefore just one side vulnerable. But that one side got trashed :sadpace:

Just one of those things that you don`t have control over.

08-06-2008, 03:17 PM
Easiest thing to do is to slice a tire or two. Ive yet to see a ding that I know someone did so Ive yet to cause any harm to another vehicle. Prolly wouldnt take much to set me off on their hood with a mag lite though. :(

08-06-2008, 04:45 PM
sorry to hear about that. it`s inevitable... sooner or later it will happen and if it`s not from a door, it will be a rock, stone, or whatever else is on the frickin` road. i use to think everyone has common sense these days, boy was i wrong. some people`s mindset is like, "if it aint mine, what do i care" mentality, especially if they don`t own nice things (car for example). if someone parks close to you, you can always print a few of these out and leave them on their car before leaving, LOL... In lieu of bad parking jobs... - Autopia.org (http://autopia.org/forum/car-driver/74658-lieu-bad-parking-jobs.html)

08-06-2008, 05:32 PM
People they`re the worst! You can’t trust any of them. I always park in the NO DING zone. Besides it`s good exercise.

I always do my best to park antisocially. But it never fails, someone will ALWAYS park next to me. I don`t know what it is.. when I first got my car, went to the grocery store and parked way way way out.. not a spot within at least 10 spaces of mine. Got some celebratory ice cream, walk out five minutes later, and there`s a giant pick-em-up truck parked right next to mine, leaving no room to get in on my passenger side. I do have a nice sports car (jag), maybe that`s it?

This happened a few weeks ago..


Note all the empty spaces, AND the place of interest for this lot is to the BACK and right of where the picture is. Can`t see it on the pic, but the car next to mine is filthy (had mud, failed clear coat, and the front bumper was partially dragging on the ground.

I mean, WTF?! :bat

08-06-2008, 07:03 PM
You know some peoples sole purpose is to PO people with nice cars, right?

08-06-2008, 07:09 PM
it doesn`t matter what you drive or how far away you park somebody will always park next to you.

08-06-2008, 07:23 PM
I`m not advocating taking matters into your own hands, but "a friend" of mine has been known to kick in a hub cap or two of those who scratched his car.

Unfortunately, they tend to POS` the drivers don`t care about anyway.

Frito Bandito
08-06-2008, 07:48 PM
TC_Crazy - Sorry to hear about your bad luck. I too live in fear of door dings. Generally speaking I think the best thing to do is confront the person that did it so it can go against their insurance.