View Full Version : Buckets instead of tank for mobile

08-04-2008, 03:18 PM
I just found this site and have been looking around. I have a lot of questions but I am still looking around. I am wondering if it is possible to hook up a pressure washer to like a 5 gallon bucket instead of a tank for a mobile water supply or does a tank have something in it to make it work with the washer? Also do I need a pump to hook my washer up to an external tank/bucket/container for water or can I just hook it up and go?

08-04-2008, 03:25 PM
I think most pressure washers run @ 2.5 GPM or more

so at that rate you wound have less then 2 mins of working time

possible.... Yes

good idea............No

08-04-2008, 05:22 PM
ok thanks. I was just seeing if in theory it was possible. For that or a real tank do I need another pump or can I hook it right up to the washer? The one I am looking at (getting everything at once) is only like 1500 or 1800 psi, do you think that would be good or is there more needed to hook it up to an external tank/series of buckets that had a hole in the lid(s) with grommets/fittings there?

08-04-2008, 05:42 PM
Tank would make much more sense.

I do not believe the pump on a pressure washer is made to pull the water into the pump. That means you need a pump to pull the water out of the tank and give `some` pressure to the pressure washer.

08-04-2008, 08:46 PM
okay. thanks for the input, what I was asking though does a "real tank" come with a pump or do I need a pump and the tank, and would I need something like this:


or just the pump and tank/bucket? Any help is appreciated...

08-04-2008, 08:58 PM
does a tank come with a pump in it or something? if not would I need a pump for a real tank or a bucket(s) anyways? and one more thing, do I also need something like this: http://www.detailsupplyoutlet.com/item.htm?item_num=221 ?

I am sorry to ask so many questions, as you can see I am very new to the equipment end of detailing and I couldn`t find what I was looking for with the search. Thanks so much...

08-05-2008, 11:13 AM
any suggestions?

08-05-2008, 11:27 AM
You could try getting a strong stainless steel tank then pressurizing it with air so it`ll force water into the pressure washer.

Eliot Ness
08-05-2008, 11:41 AM
any suggestions?I think your question would best be answered in the Professional Detailer section of this board. You might also want to see if the following threads help you out:




08-05-2008, 08:10 PM
Well I can tell you from my experience that you will not need a pump if you have it set up properly. I have a 275 gal tank and mounted the pressure washer within a foot of the valve with a 1.5 ft hose from the tank to the pressure washer and I have no issues. So long as I keep over 15 gallons in the tank it seems to be happy. You can msg me direct if you like bc I had alot of trial and error setting this up. Additionally, you may want to look into ONR because I am making the switch to that after trying it and all the great reviews from users on this site. You will save water, gas and lots of money!