View Full Version : Cerium Oxide polishes

The Pit
09-03-2005, 09:22 PM
Has anyone tried both the Valugard Cerious and Menzerna P085RD polishes? If so, can you comment on how these two polishes compare in terms of cut and gloss when used on regular clear coat finishes? :helpsmili TIA

Bill D
09-03-2005, 10:23 PM
Yes, I have all three of those and I find the Cerious Compound to be the most aggressive. This is strictly for rotary use only; no short cuts. The speed and heat of the rotary is essential for breaking down the product properly and, as mentioned on the bottle, another lighter polish may be needed afterward. I tried Cerious Compound by itself on a windshield and it did well. This is perhaps the only application where it may be fine as a product used alone.

When I worked with it on some paint, I followed with some FP II. That brought it to a good gloss.

As for the Menzerna "PO twins" for Ceramiclear paints, I find they work best by rotary but one can get by sufficiently via Cyclo for micro marring. In fact, they are some of the first polishes I will reach for regarding light polishing. I don`t see a extremely significant difference between the results each provide, in particular, during rotary usage,but if one want the ultimate gloss, I suppose using one after the other will accomplish that.

I don`t know for sure, but I suppose the Menzerna polishes may have "more refined" or even "higher quality" cerium oxide. ( I understand optical grade cerium oxide, which is quite costly, may be the highest grade) This is probably part of the reason for their high cost. Don`t quote me on that though.

The Pit
09-04-2005, 06:22 PM
Bill D... thanks for the info. That`s what I needed to know. I will get the Menzerna P0 polish for use as a final polish (not looking for agressive cut).

Thanks again. :biggrin:

Bill D
09-04-2005, 06:44 PM
No problem