View Full Version : What`s This Crusty Stuff?

07-27-2008, 08:42 AM
It`s certainly not as interesting as the love stain thread, but after leaving my car parked next to some bushes, I come back and fine this crust like stuff on my car. Can`t see it but feels like someone sprayed the car with cotton candy. No indication of sprinklers.

Sometimes happens when I park near some hedges at my office. Same crust-like cotton candy substance. It`s easy to remove but feels soooo wierd.

Any thoughts?

07-27-2008, 08:58 AM
I had some crusty stuff on my hood,roof.

I think it was tree sap,it was not easy to remove but I finally cleaned it with IPA .

I would have guessed yours to be tree sap too but sprayed?:think:

07-27-2008, 09:06 AM
Hmm. Could be something like it but was invisible and far too easy to remove. Maybe its that silk like substance that run across the grass I see on golf courses...

The mystery continues.