View Full Version : Leather Steering Wheel: Losing grainy, matte finish

Dr. Woo
07-24-2008, 06:26 AM
I`ve done a few searches, so I`ve already gotten some info, but I`d like to present my situation to see if anyone has any additional tips.

I have a 2008 Volkswagen with a leather-wrapped wheel. I`ve done my best to try and keep its original grainy, matte finish, but the spots where I keep my hands most of the time (3:00 and 9:00) are becoming smooth and reflective. I spend a lot of time in my car, so despite having only owned it since October, I`ve put over 16000 miles on it (30 mile one-way commute every day).

The searches have come up with a couple of ideas, and judyb has really dashed a lot of conventional wisdom (at least what I`d considered conventional wisdom) about cleaning and protecting leather.

My question boils down to: Is it possible to restore the original factory finish of the steering wheel? I picked up a couple horsehair brushes and of course have the now-standard water:Woolite in a spray bottle, and I also own some 1Z Leather Conditioner which is what I`d been using with a microfiber cloth to clean/condition the wheel. Would scrubbing with a horsehair brush and the w:W combo remove some of those oils and restore the original finish? I`m sure many of you have lots of additional tips I may not have come across in my searches.

Quality Leather
08-02-2008, 03:33 PM
You shouldn`t have killed the finish just yet. I feel like a broken record, but try a 3m delicate duty scuff pad with the cleaner. If the finish isn`t damaged by body oils, then it will look new again.

08-06-2008, 07:21 AM
Get driving gloves. I use a pair because I tend to have sweaty palms, and my steering wheel looks like new.

Dr. Woo
08-06-2008, 07:55 AM
You shouldn`t have killed the finish just yet. I feel like a broken record, but try a 3m delicate duty scuff pad with the cleaner. If the finish isn`t damaged by body oils, then it will look new again.

3M delicate duty scuff pad...I`ll look into it. I just got a package yesterday of Leather Masters soft cleaner. I have yet to use it. I`ve stopped using the 1Z Leather Care stuff and the finish seems better from just scrubbing with a horsehair brush and the Woolite:water combo.

Get driving gloves. I use a pair because I tend to have sweaty palms, and my steering wheel looks like new.

I have a pair, but I don`t want to go to THAT extent unless it`s cold.