View Full Version : Detailing sickness????

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07-16-2008, 11:57 PM
Hello everyone,

For some odd reason, this year I feel that almost every time I detail a car, even with my partner, I end up not feeling 100% the next day. I`m not talking the expected soar muscles. I am coughing as we speak while doing this big Dodge Ram and it is getting frustrating that I have gotten like this after detailing every car recently. This job isn`t even as demanding as I can take my time and I am not working out in the sun all day. Could it be the fumes from the polishes I am using (menzerna mainly)? Maybe my body has an allergic reaction to detailing chemicals? My partner says it may be because I don`t eat as much as I should throughout the day while detailing, and it`s not the best foods to be eating either. Anyone else got a cough or sore throat after detailing on a periodic basis? Any and all advise and suggestions are appreciated. Tomorrow when I finish the Ram I will probably wear a mask while detailing.

07-17-2008, 01:53 AM
Not me. When I do general public detailing, I bust *** and am an efficiency machine. It wears me out, but more in the mind than the body. I find it very difficult to mentally unwind and come back to my regular frame of mind for many hours (and sometimes the rest of the day).

Are you a smoker?

Do you exercise/work out on a regular basis?

Aside from exercise, I am a completely unhealthy human being. Chris Farley would probably shake his finger at me.:nomore:

07-17-2008, 01:58 AM
I don`t know this for certain, but I believe Menzerna polishes, particularly Power Gloss, have a healthy dose of aluminum oxide - a toxic chemical for the body. It`s unlikely, but perhaps you`re especially susceptible to it or allergic or something...?

07-17-2008, 03:38 AM
I`m a runner, sprinter, and exercise vigorously every day - it still wears me out, regardless of situps, pushups, pullups, etc..

My most common issue is back pain, but ab and core exercises have made it much, much easier to deal with - but I`ve gotta be extremely persistent.

07-17-2008, 08:39 AM
You`re probably over exerting yourself. Sounds like the symptoms of exercising too much. Without taking breaks to rehydrate and replenish lost electrolytes your bodies immune system weakens letting germs take over and make you sick. When doing a detailing I always keep a bottle of gatorade by me.

07-17-2008, 09:15 AM
I`m not a smoker, I weightlift at least 3x a week (no cardio though), I don`t drink. I only drink water, no soda. I`ll definitely check out if I am allergic to the aluminum oxide and I`ll drink some gatorade today while I finish work on the big Dodge Ram. I`ve certainly overworked myself at times. I know I should take some more breaks too, but it becomes difficult to do so since I am slow at detailing, making me perform less work, even with a partner.

07-17-2008, 11:29 AM
You might wanna try wearing a mask while polishing with Menzerna. All that dusting could easily be affecting you by breathing it in on a consistent basis.

07-17-2008, 01:19 PM
You could be having allergy attacks also from dust, ragweed, grass, whatever. I am extremely allergic to grass, but never was as a kid. But as an adult, if I mowed, the next day I couldn`t breathe at all. After 6 years of serum shots, I can mow outside ok as long as I don`t go overboard.

I react badly to lots of paint or solvent type fumes now also. Never used to. I wear those cheap blue rubber gloves when I clean parts, and I have a painters style remote fresh air intake when I paint stuff.

What I`m getting at is, doesn`t matter how fit and in shape you are, if you`ve become allergic to something, it will kick yer butt if you`re exposed to it for lengths of time.


07-17-2008, 02:23 PM
After completing a detail, I am not mentally with it for the rest of the day it seems. After 8+ hours of work, I feel pretty hazy. I think when one devotes all of his time and energy into one project that is both mentally and physically straining for many hours, that it is just bound to happen. It could be due to my large amount of caffeine intake though, I drink 2-3 large cups of coffee right before the detail, then probably consume anywhere from 3-5 large glasses of iced tea throughout the detail.

Note that I am completely out of shape, but pretty slim.

I usually feel fine the next day, but I try to make sure I never have 2 back to back jobs. I think the body needs time to heal after a detail, my hands literally have tiny chunks of skin missing around the knuckles, right now it hurts just to run my hands under warm water. :grrr

07-17-2008, 02:27 PM
I wax my car weekly I have no problems with museles or anything else. I sweat like a ****in pig but thats about it

07-17-2008, 02:43 PM
I believe you might be developing some kind of allergic reaction. I would try to rule out some hypothesis with time. but apparently it s directly related to detail, and looks like polishes or the main cause (as it takes most of our time usually).

Personally everytime I spend a couple hours or more polishing I feel like my vision gets a little blury like if there was a film on top of my eye everytime I close and open my eyes that stays for a little while. I guess that s why some guys (meg`s video) wear protective eyewear.

I am thinking about getting some and also like you mentioned some mask.

Although I can`t see myself wearing those especially when doing a job in a public/business parking lot (I do lot mobile).

I hope you feel better soon

07-17-2008, 02:58 PM
I believe you might be developing some kind of allergic reaction. I would try to rule out some hypothesis with time. but apparently it s directly related to detail, and looks like polishes or the main cause (as it takes most of our time usually).

Personally everytime I spend a couple hours or more polishing I feel like my vision gets a little blury like if there was a film on top of my eye everytime I close and open my eyes that stays for a little while. I guess that s why some guys (meg`s video) wear protective eyewear.

I am thinking about getting some and also like you mentioned some mask.

Although I can`t see myself wearing those especially when doing a job in a public/business parking lot (I do lot mobile).

I hope you feel better soon

Funny you should mention the blurry vision thing, I get that after a long time of polishing too.

07-17-2008, 10:26 PM
In warm weather, I dehydrate like CRAZY during a detail. I don`t know why, but I have to drink so much water, it`s nuts.

The coughing is strange, though.

I`d be curious to see what happened after working w/ a different product line.

07-17-2008, 11:20 PM
I use masks whenever im using menz SIP...

with all those dusts, I can bet harmful amounts of it goes to my lungs as a continue working.

07-18-2008, 01:11 AM
In warm weather, I dehydrate like CRAZY during a detail. I don`t know why, but I have to drink so much water, it`s nuts.

Extreme heat is the only thing that gets to me when detailing. When it gets above 100*F, I try to limit most of my work to early morning or late evening. I drink several liters in a day when working in that kind of weather.