View Full Version : PC Routine

07-05-2008, 06:51 PM
Planning to do a detail and this is my following routine i plan to follow : (Any advice is appreciated)

I own a black WRX and it is a swirl magnet

1). Wash, clay, wash...

2). Optimum Polish with PC

3). Klasse AIO or SG not sure of which

4). P21S

Any advice or tips?

Also my PC7424 overheats after about 5-10min of usage on setting 1 even. Does that happen to anyone else and should I just call it a loss and order a new one? Its brand new but has been in my garage for about 1 year and a few months so I doubt I can return it. I did just open it though. After 5min you smell plastic burning and you cannot touch it due to it being so hot, you have to use the screw in grip or else you cant use it at all. Thanks again!

Last but not least: If I do need to just buy a new polisher how does the griot`s garage random orbital stack up against the PC?

07-05-2008, 07:19 PM
Planning to do a detail and this is my following routine i plan to follow : (Any advice is appreciated)

I own a black WRX and it is a swirl magnet

1). Wash, clay, wash...

2). Optimum Polish with PC

3). Klasse AIO or SG not sure of which

4). P21S

Any advice or tips?

Also my PC7424 overheats after about 5-10min of usage on setting 1 even. Does that happen to anyone else and should I just call it a loss and order a new one? Its brand new but has been in my garage for about 1 year and a few months so I doubt I can return it. I did just open it though. After 5min you smell plastic burning and you cannot touch it due to it being so hot, you have to use the screw in grip or else you cant use it at all. Thanks again!

Last but not least: If I do need to just buy a new polisher how does the griot`s garage random orbital stack up against the PC?

Sure sounds like the pc is faulty. I`d take steps to R&R it. Your routine seems OK. However your question to yourself should be "Why are there swirls in my paint?" Are you or someone causing them? Usually there created with poor washing techniques. See Accumulators wash regimen.

Above all......have fun with the process Mr. ArMiXiA:usa

07-05-2008, 07:23 PM
Also my PC7424 overheats after about 5-10min of usage on setting 1 even.

Last but not least: If I do need to just buy a new polisher how does the griot`s garage random orbital stack up against the PC?

it shouldn`t overheat on speed 1 and you can`t really do anything at that setting anyway. pass on the griots and get either a UDM or Flex...

YouTube - Flex XC 3401 VRG vs. Porter Cable 7424 (http://youtube.com/watch?v=Yht1uHJLNlQ)

07-06-2008, 01:31 PM
ArMiXiA- Welcome to Autopia!

If your PC acts up when using normal speeds (4-6), then it needs serviced. Even a complete rebuild is pretty cheap (so cheap I forget what it cost...it wasn`t worth remembering) and PC service places are usually pretty easy to find. And the place you got it from might look the other way regarding the time since purchase, wouldn`t hurt to ask.

Rebuilding it would certainly cost less than a Griot`s machine (or anything else), but if you get the latter, make sure it can take smaller backing plates for the use of 3.5-4" pads.

07-06-2008, 02:15 PM
Planning to do a detail and this is my following routine i plan to follow : (Any advice is appreciated)

I own a black WRX and it is a swirl magnet

1). Wash, clay, wash...

2). Optimum Polish with PC

3). Klasse AIO or SG not sure of which

4). P21S

Any advice or tips?

Also my PC7424 overheats after about 5-10min of usage on setting 1 even. Does that happen to anyone else and should I just call it a loss and order a new one? Its brand new but has been in my garage for about 1 year and a few months so I doubt I can return it. I did just open it though. After 5min you smell plastic burning and you cannot touch it due to it being so hot, you have to use the screw in grip or else you cant use it at all. Thanks again!

Last but not least: If I do need to just buy a new polisher how does the griot`s garage random orbital stack up against the PC?

Did you use the spacer between the shaft and backing plate?

citizen arcane
07-06-2008, 03:15 PM
Did you use the spacer between the shaft and backing plate?

Bingo! I believe that is the answer as well.

07-06-2008, 06:19 PM
Hey thanks guys for the quick replies can anyone tell me where and how to get the PC serviced? Autogeek will not cover it since its over 1 year thanks again!

Eliot Ness
07-06-2008, 06:24 PM
Hey thanks guys for the quick replies can anyone tell me where and how to get the PC serviced? Autogeek will not cover it since its over 1 year thanks again!Change the drop-down menu from Delta Machinery to Porter Cable and then enter in your zip code:

Service & Support (http://www.deltaportercable.com/ServiceAndSupport/ServiceAndSupport.aspx)

Check and make sure your backing plate isn`t rubbing before you go to the trouble of taking it to a service center. The purpose of the of the spacer mentioned is to keep the backing plate spaced out from the housing so it won`t rub. You don`t actually need the spacer as long as you have the backing plate spaced out enough to not rub.