View Full Version : What should i top it off with tommorow LSP?

07-03-2008, 07:57 PM
I just put my last coat for today on, which was CMW via PC. I usually follow up the next day with nattys blue. I have a black car. I did the same process this time as last. I polished last time with 6.5" pads and got no correction. I got the 4" pads because people said they work wonders with the PC for correction. So as i remember last time putting nattys blue over cmw. It wasnt this amazing shine in the sun. Maybe when you take pics on the camera you can see a real deep wet shine like in the click n brag section. I havent brought the car out yet because im polishing glass tommorow and adding another coat. So my question is should i just put another CMW coat on or nattys blue? I thought nattys blue was awesome for black cars. I will probably apply MF applicator. I know i did not get out all the scratches/swirls. I went over it 3 times and didnt do anything. I will comment more on tommorow when its in the sun.

07-03-2008, 08:07 PM
I just put my last coat for today on, which was CMW via PC. I usually follow up the next day with nattys blue. I have a black car. I did the same process this time as last. I polished last time with 6.5" pads and got no correction. I got the 4" pads because people said they work wonders with the PC for correction. So as i remember last time putting nattys blue over cmw. It wasnt this amazing shine in the sun. Maybe when you take pics on the camera you can see a real deep wet shine like in the click n brag section. I havent brought the car out yet because im polishing glass tommorow and adding another coat. So my question is should i just put another CMW coat on or nattys blue? I thought nattys blue was awesome for black cars. I will probably apply MF applicator. I know i did not get out all the scratches/swirls. I went over it 3 times and didnt do anything. I will comment more on tommorow when its in the sun.I would get Menz to get the final scratches out. You already spent alot of time and effort why not finish the job. I know the 4" pads work better in correcting than the 6.5" pads, but still want to know how you feel about it.

07-03-2008, 08:11 PM
I dont know if you looked at my previous posts on what i used, but IMO poorboys SSR is horrible and does not do anything with a PC. These are not fingernail scratches and I know they are still there. SSR 2.5 would not remove these with 3 passes. I hate the PC now, i guess its a good starter, but i need some power like a rotary that actually spins not this PC that vibrates. Is does not always spin. I need real spinning from a rotary :). I moved on, they would not come out, but anyways whats for LSP tommorow?

07-03-2008, 08:38 PM
Nattys blue!

07-03-2008, 10:29 PM
Either CMW or NB will look good, but I`d definitely wash the car before applying another carnauba. Otherwise, a few days later, you may get some hazing.

07-04-2008, 05:12 AM
Either CMW or NB will look good, but I`d definitely wash the car before applying another carnauba. Otherwise, a few days later, you may get some hazing.

hehe now its my choice! I got horrible hazing last time maybe that was it not washing in between or it could of been yellow pad and SSR1 not cleaning up. Dont ask why i used a yellow. :wall i have searched and a lot of people like the CMW better like yourself. CMW more wet looking, Nattys more durability, depth bold as I read?

07-04-2008, 06:16 AM
hehe now its my choice! I got horrible hazing last time maybe that was it not washing in between or it could of been yellow pad and SSR1 not cleaning up. Dont ask why i used a yellow. :wall i have searched and a lot of people like the CMW better like yourself. CMW more wet looking, Nattys more durability, depth bold as I read?

No, CMW has more durability as well (In my opinion).

07-04-2008, 07:56 AM
ok it is CMW then! That prob means i will never use Nattys blue again for this combo. Whats the point of using different stuff and mixes, i guess you buy it to see what works for you. I thought the candle wax texture was more durable than liquid? Well time to go polish my headlights, glass and do a wash then apply CMW again by hand.

07-04-2008, 09:38 AM
hehe now its my choice! I got horrible hazing last time maybe that was it not washing in between or it could of been yellow pad and SSR1 not cleaning up. Dont ask why i used a yellow. :wall i have searched and a lot of people like the CMW better like yourself. CMW more wet looking, Nattys more durability, depth bold as I read?

Why would you finish up with a yellow pad and SSR1?!

07-04-2008, 12:59 PM
Why would you finish up with a yellow pad and SSR1?!

using yellow pad with 2.5 and SSR1 with white pad, it did not clean up the hazing that was left behind . Carefully read my posts my bro! :)