View Full Version : Auto Abuse Sightings!

07-03-2008, 08:20 AM
Saw the thread about the washing nightmares and it made me remember a couple pics I had to snap on cell phone camera while driving the last couple days.

Day 1: Saw an older Mercedes Benz C280 with about 3 sheets of plywood strapped to the roof! Not only was this probably scraping the paint at every hint of accelleration and braking, but the thing had harsh looking ropes tied around the mirrors then shut into the back doors making an X over the plywood sheets on the roof. There was no towel or anything between the paint and wood. I cringed... Kinda hard to see in the pic but thats it:


Two Days Later: I see it again! This time pulling out of menards with a variety of huge long peices of PVC pipe out the sunroof! This guy must be doing some sort of home improvement, but honestly.. Go borrow a truck!


Anyone else see something like this?

07-03-2008, 09:32 AM
:shocked The road surface in that first pic is auto abuse!

Yes that Merc must be someones work horse, i really hate seeing tarps used on top of cars and then a bed or some junk tied on with rope. I cant imagine the paintwork conditions when you take it all off!


07-03-2008, 11:01 AM
Yeah, thats central IL roads for ya... Pretty sad, what`s worse is that road used to look like the second pic not even 5 years ago probably.. They use the blacktop bc its cheaper, but doesnt last nearly as long or look as nice..